Acne Health Tips Skin Disorders

Different Types of Acne and Their Effects

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Need to know about Acne: Types, Effects & Precautions

Several skin ailments like whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and others come under acne. Acne is a broad term used to define several chronic and inflammatory skin problems. These are mainly generated when your skin pores get clogged with dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria and are mostly seen in areas like the face, forehead, shoulders, neck, chest, upper back, and upper arms. It is a common problem, as almost everyone comes across in their lifetime, and is one of the common teenager’s health problems. Though it is not a serious or life-threatening disease, it can take a toll on an individual’s emotional health. Acne is one of the major causes of emotional distress. Severe acne on the face affects self-esteem, increases stress, and leads to depression.

Acne Problems

Overview of Acne

Several factors can aggravate acne problems few common acne causes include hormonal imbalance, stress, unhealthy or greasy diet, hereditary factors, using chemical beauty products, bacteria, and so on. When compared, women are more likely to face acne problems than men. Depending on the severity of the condition, it affects individuals in several ways. Acne is measured and divided into different grades based on the severity like

Grade 1– In this people exhibit the mild form of open comedones, like whiteheads, blackheads, and small signs of pimples.

Grade 2– Under this people have moderate acne with open and closed comedones and papulopustular which are sensitive to touch.

Grade 3– Under this people experience inflammation and pustular acne.

Grade 4– This is the most severe form. Individual’s skin gets filled with nodules, cysts, papules, and pustules. There is a possibility that the acne may also spread to other areas. This case may also lead to scarring and need immediate treatment.

Types of Acne

Acne is mainly classified into two types. The two types of acne are non-inflammatory acne and inflammatory acne.

Non-inflammatory acne– Acne which does not cause any swelling is termed non-inflammatory acne. This type of acne includes whiteheads and blackheads. Blackheads are open comedones i.e. the top of the pore stays open, whereas whiteheads are the closed comedones, in this type the pores are clogged by dead skin cells and sebum, and most importantly the tops of pores remain closed. These are generally mild types of acne.

Inflammatory acne– As the name suggests, this causes inflammation or swelling on the skin. These are the results of bacterial infections. Bacteria named Propionibacterium or P. Acnes bacteria can cause this type of acne and this type of acne is more difficult to treat. This type of acne includes papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts.

Causes of Acne

Precautions need to taken for Acne

Do most people wonder as to how to avoid acne? One can control and eliminate acne problems by following few skincare tips like

  • Wash your face twice daily with a mild cleanser and maintain hygiene
  • Stop picking pimples as it may lead to scarring.
  • Avoid using irritants or chemical-based cosmetics. Choose the mild and most suitable products.
  • Avoid excess exposure to sun and use sunscreen lotions
  • Use oil-free products to avoid clogging pores


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