Erectile Dysfunction Sexual Treatment Treatments

About Erectile Dysfunction? Best Homeopathy Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a type of sexual dysfunction in which men fail to maintain erection for intercourse. Though occasional ED is common but frequent ED can be a sign of underlying health problem. Few conditions like stress, depression, smoking along with health conditions like diabetes, obesity and others may lead to ED in many men. Lack of interest, inability to maintain erection and premature ejaculation are few symptoms of ED.


Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

In most of the men both physical and emotional factors may lead to this dysfunction. Few common causes of ED include

  • Depression- Depression is the most important factor of this condition, as it leads to imbalance of brain chemicals which stimulate erection in men. The desire starts in your brain and depression lowers your desire and causes ED.
  • Stress- This condition can be mainly caused due to increased stress and pressure. Stress can be due to work problems, financial issues and others. It affects your desire and leads to lack of interest. It is very important to control your stress in order to get rid of erectile dysfunction. Practice meditation, yoga, get adequate sleep and regular exercises to control ED and improve your libido.
  • Anxiety and anger- Anxiety is also related to this condition. Low self confidence increase anxiety in men which worsens the problem. Just like anxiety anger also leads to ED. Anger which may be on your partner or outsiders can affect your desire and leads to lack of interest. Anger certainly affects your performance.
  • Low self image- Most of the men with low self image and confidence face this kind of problem. This anxiousness reduces your desire and leads to low libido.
  • Smoking and alcohol consumption- Smoking is also connected to ED in most of the cases. Smoking damages vessels which lead to lack of supply to your penis and lead to this condition. Along with smoking excess intake of alcohol consumption is also related to ED. People who drink overly face this kind of problems. Though moderate amount of alcohol consumption may be useful to some extent but excess intake can adversely affect.
  • Obesity- People who are obese are at an increased risk of developing ED. Men who are overweight have low testosterone hormone which is crucial for desire.
  • Low libido- All the above factors also affect your libido or interest. Low libido is also related to erectile dysfunction.

Along with the above factors few other disorders like diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, few prescriptions and also age can also lead to Erectile Dysfunction.

Homeopathy treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

Homeopathy treatment for Erectile Dysfunction works very well by treating the underlying root cause of the problem like physical and other factors. Homeopathy treatment for erectile dysfunction uses natural remedies extracted from natural substances. Homeopathy remedies for erectile dysfunction are safe and non toxic. Homeopathy for erectile dysfunction is prescribed based on the symptoms and theory of individualization. Homeopathy remedies for Erectile Dysfunction differ from each person depending on the symptoms. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides health tips for Erectile Dysfunction. These Erectile Dysfunction control tips are safe and helps assist in quick recovery without any side effects.

Health Tips Sexual Treatment

Important Factors to Overcome Sexual Dysfunction

What is sexual dysfunction?

Difficulties faced to have satisfactory experience during any phase of sexual response cycle are termed as sexual dysfunction. Excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution are the four stages of sexual response cycle. Sexual dysfunction can affect at any age and may also lead to complications in their relationship, influence their quality of sex life and may also cause infertility. Sexual dysfunction is one of the causes which lead to separation in many couples. Physical and psychological factors plays vital role in sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunctions are categorized into 4 categories namely Lack of desire, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation and Painful intercourse.

What are sexual problems in men?

Sexual problem or Sexual dysfunction can rise at any time in men. Around 1 in 10 men experience some sort of sexual problems. Most of the sexual problems in men can be solved with treatment. Common sexual problems in men are

  • Erectile dysfunction- situation of inability to maintain erection for intercourse
  • Premature ejaculation- ejaculation occurs soon after intercourse begins
  • Low libido- lack of interest in sex
  • Retarded ejaculation- delayed or absent of ejaculation
  • Retrograde ejaculation.

Sexual Dysfunction

Causes of sexual problems in men are

  • Physical factors
  • Neurological disorders
  • Diabetes problems
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Heart and vascular disease
  • Medications
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Age
  • Chronic diseases (liver or kidney failure)

Psychological factors

  • Stress and depression
  • Guilt about sexual performance
  • Relationship problems

What are the sexual problems in women?

Female hormone plays important role in regulating sexual functioning. Aging and menopause also causes sexual problems in many women. Common sexual problems in women include

  • Low libido
  • Inability to become aroused
  • Inability to achieve orgasm
  • Painful intercourse

Causes of sexual dysfunction in women are

  • Stress and depression
  • Diabetes
  • Pelvic surgery or injury
  • Hormonal changes
  • Menopause
  • Thyroid Problems
  • Alcohol
  • Relationship conflicts
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Pain
  • Medication
  • Endometriosis

Sexual treatment for men and women

Sexual Dysfunction in both men and women can be treated by addressing the root cause of the problem. Sexual dysfunction is caused due to physical and psychological factors and both can be treated. If sexual problems are due to physical causes, then these can be cured with some treatments like hormone therapy, some remedies and mechanical aids. When the sexual dysfunctions are due to psychological factors then these problems can be cured by counselling and psychological therapy.

Overcome sexual disorders with homeopathy remedies

Sexual treatment in homeopathy is a natural way of treating sexual dysfunctions. Sexual treatment in homeopathy works by improving circulation and also by exciting the nerves. Homeopathy also provides sexual treatment for men and successfully treats erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido and many other sexual problems. Homeopathy doctors also provide some sexual problems prevention tips to the couple or individuals. These Sexual Problems tips help individuals to overcome sexual problems and help them to improve quality of sex life and to enjoy their love life. Health tips for Sexual Disorders include lifestyle changes, healthy diet, controlling stress and many more to help eliminate sexual problems.

Sexual Treatment Treatments

Sexual Treatment in Homeopathy

How Sexual Problems affect Male and Female?

Sexual problems are generally concerned as inability to have a satisfactory experience from the activity. Sexual response cycle has four stages like excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution, difficulties faced during any stage of sexual response cycle by couple or any one among them is treated as sexual problems. Most of the sexual problems can be treated through diagnosis and treatment. Common categories of sexual problems faced by couple or male or female are sexual desire disorders, arousal disorders, orgasm disorders and sexual pain disorders. Sexual problems can be due to physical or psychological problems or disturbances. Sexual problems have great effect or influence on individuals or couples quality of sexual life, their relationship, can cause misunderstandings, infertility and may also lead to separation. It is important to discuss with partner about the problem in order to eliminate conflicts. Sexual problems cal lead to depression, low esteem and stress in individuals.

What are the Causes in Male?

Some common sexual problems seen in men are erectile dysfunction, lack or reduced interest in sex, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation and peyronie’s disease. Several physical and psychological factors cause sexual problems in men.

  • Physical factors
  • Neurological disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Heart and vascular disease
  • Medications
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Age
  • Chronic diseases (liver or kidney failure)

Psychological factors :

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Guilt about sexual performance
  • Relationship problems

What are causes in Female?

Lack of sexual desire, inability to become aroused, female orgasmic disorder, vaginismus and painful intercourse are commonly seen sexual problems in women. Many factors or combination of factors can lead to sexual problems in women.

Different Physical, psychological, relationship problems and sociocultural factors can cause sexual problems in female, they are

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Pelvic surgery or injury
  • Hormonal changes
  • Menopause
  • Thyroid
  • Alcohol
  • Relationship conflicts
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Vaginismus
  • Pain
  • Medication
  • Pregnancy
  • Endometriosis

With the help of diagnosis and treatment most of the sexual problems can be treated in both men and women. Sex therapy and counselling also plays an important and crucial role in treating several sexual problems.

Overcome Sexual imbalances with Homeopathy :

Homeopathy is a holistic method of treating many health conditions. Homeopathy is safe, effective and has no side effects as it uses natural substances in treatment. Homeopathy remedies for sexual problems are very affective and aim to treat the root cause of the problem. Homeopathy for sexual problems is very useful in treating sexual problems associated with physical and psychological disturbances or problems. Homeopathy offers treatment for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and other sexual problems. Treatment is offered after individual examination and based on symptoms, it improves body’s natural healing system and solves many sexual problems. Homeopathy improves sexual desire by improving the circulation, it also treats psychological factors like stress and depression. Professional homeopath also counsels the couple and prescribe treatment based on the symptoms and problems.