Health Tips Liver

Liver Health and Its Benefits

Liver is one among the most crucial organs in our body. The health of liver is very important as it is responsible for several bodily functions like digestion, producing bile, proteins, and so on. It can easily get affected by unhealthy diet, excess alcohol consumption and so on. It can get infected easily and leads to several health issues like Hepatitis, liver cancer, cirrhosis and so on.

Let us know more about Liver and its health benefits.

Liver is dark reddish colored organ located on the right side of the belly and is protected by the ribs. Everything we eat, drink and the prescriptions we take all go through it. It does several important functions like cleaning bodily fluids, removing harmful chemicals, bile secretion which is useful for digesting fats, stores vitamins, iron and sugar which can be reused when required. Liver converts ammonia to urea which is very crucial in metabolism. It produces immune factors and resist our body from infections. With healthy lifestyle and diet we can improve the health of liver and safe guard it.
According to Ray Chung, MD, medical director of the liver transplant program at Massachusetts General Hospital “it is not tricky to keep your liver healthy, all it needs is healthy lifestyle”.

liver health

Tips to improve health of liver

By following few tips one can protect their liver health.

  • Avoid alcohol- Alcohol is very harmful and it can also damage the liver cells. Excess intake of alcohol leads to conditions like cirrhosis, hepatitis which are very serious and also can be life threatening.
  • Eat healthy– Healthy diet helps to improve health of the liver and also helps to control your weight and cholesterol levels. Healthy diet helps to prevent non alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Regular physical exercises are also very beneficial for healthy liver.
  • Control intake of Prescriptions– Intake of few prescriptions like painkillers, drugs and others have adverse affects on liver. It is very important to avoid unnecessary prescriptions to keep your liver healthy.
  • Prevent Hepatitis– Hepatitis can be prevented by avoiding contaminated food and drinks, contact with infected bodily fluids and so on. Jaundice is one among the symptoms of liver damage.
  • Avoid contact with toxins– Avoid contact with insecticides, cleaning products, smoking and so on to protect the liver.

In order to improve liver health include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lentils, beans, soya, nuts, avocados and also moderate amount of coffee and tea in your diet and also reduce intake of fats in your diet.

Homeopathy treatment for liver health

Homeopathy treatment for liver health works effectively by treating the underlying root cause of the problem. Homeopathy remedies for liver health are made of natural substances which are safe and non toxic. Homeopathy treatment for liver health mainly focuses on conditions which lead to liver problems like viral infections, excess intake of alcohol and so on. Homeopathy for liver health also works in preventing further cellular damage in liver. Homeopathy along with treatment for liver also provides few health tips for liver which are safe and also assist in quick recovery. Homeopathic remedies for liver health are safe and suitable for all age groups.