Bronchiolitis Health Tips Pneumonia

How to Identify Bronchitis or Pneumonia?

Need to know the difference between Bronchitis & pneumonia

Bronchitis or pneumonia is two different respiratory conditions that usually begin as a common cold. At first, you may have a cold and when it worsens may lead to symptoms like cough, fever, fatigue, and so on. Severe cases of cold or infections may lead to the above two respiratory conditions i.e. bronchitis and pneumonia. If not treated properly these two can lead to some severe complications and can be life-threatening also. Let us learn about these two conditions and their differences.

Causes of Bronchitis or Pneumonia

Overview of Bronchitis and pneumonia

Both bronchitis and pneumonia as discussed earlier are two different respiratory conditions that share some common symptoms. Let us have a quick look at these two

  • Bronchitis– inflammation of bronchial tubes due to infection is termed bronchitis. It mainly develops from the cold i.e. when the cold virus reaches your airways. Due to this infection, your airways get inflamed and this inflammation narrows the airways and leads to excess formation mucus. Bronchitis can be both acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is a condition that can result from infection due to a virus or bacteria. Even though this gets cleared up within weeks, it is very contagious. Chronic bronchitis is a condition that lasts longer and is not contagious. People who smoke are more susceptible to it. People with bronchitis have symptoms like breathlessness, wheezing, and most importantly persistent cough along with the mucus.
  • Pneumonia– infection of the lungs due to virus or bacteria is termed as pneumonia. Due to infection, the little air sacs called alveoli in your lungs to get inflamed and filled with pus. In few cases, severe bronchitis can lead to pneumonia. It is a serious life-threatening disorder and needs immediate treatment. Common pneumonia symptoms include productive cough, high fever, chills, breathlessness, confusion, dizziness, and so on. Pneumonia can be caused due to organisms like viruses, bacteria, and fungus. Several factors like low immunity, asthma, and other chronic conditions can worsen your condition and can trigger pneumonia.

Bronchitis or pneumonia problems

Difference between Bronchitis and Pneumonia?

Even though both these respiratory conditions share few common symptoms and affect an individual’s ability to breathe, but they have a huge difference. Bronchitis symptoms include dry cough which can produce mucus, sore throat, and body ache, whereas people with pneumonia face symptoms like productive cough along with high fever, chills, fatigue, sweating, fast heartbeat, and rapid breathing, gray or blue colored nails, and lips and confusion. Generally bronchitis is not life-threatening, whereas pneumonia is a life-threatening disorder which needs immediate treatment.

How to identify?

Identifying the difference between bronchitis and pneumonia is very crucial for early and accurate treatment. Though both bronchitis and pneumonia look similar, people with pneumonia face symptoms like high fever, chills, pain in the chest while coughing or while breathing, whereas in bronchitis people may not have fever and chills as pneumonia. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms of both bronchitis and pneumonia. By examining your symptoms your doctor suggests few tests through which he can easily differentiate between these two and offer you accurate and quick treatment. Do not neglect your symptoms as they can sometimes be life-threatening.

Asthma Health Tips Winter

Winter Effects for Asthma People

Asthma is a chronic and incurable respiratory disease. It is a lung disorder where the muscles in the airways or bronchial tubes gets inflamed and become narrow. Due to inflammation and swelling the cells in the airways produce excess mucus which further narrows airways. Due to these narrowed airways people face difficulty breathing as the air can’t flow in and out properly. People with asthma face symptoms like cough, chest tightness, wheezing and shortness of breath, weakness or tiredness and so on. Asthma is caused due to several factors like allergies, genetic factors, pollution, smoking, exposure to chemicals and respiratory infections. When people face asthma due to allergies, it is called as allergic asthma. Several allergens like smoke, dust, pet dander, pollen and several others triggers asthma attack. When asthma people inhale any strong substances, their airways become irritated and get inflamed.

Cold weather triggers asthma and worsens the symptoms and people with asthma experience severe symptoms during cold weathers. Asthmatics mostly have asthma attacks or face severe symptoms during night times and in the early mornings when the weather is cold.


Asthma Problems

Asthma can attack people of all age groups, from children to elders. Asthma is classified into different types like a topic asthma/childhood asthma, occupational asthma/adult asthma, exercise induced asthma, cough variant asthma, night time asthma and severe asthma. In exercise induced asthma, exercises and physical activities triggers asthma attack in people. In people with asthma stress and smoking also triggers the asthma attack as smoking further damages lungs and narrows airways. Over weight also plays a crucial role in triggering asthma symptoms, hence people who are overweight and obese should shed some fats from their body. Few other conditions like sleep apnea, runny nose, sinus infections and reflux diseases worsens asthma condition and it is very important to get them treated. Asthma is a severe condition if left untreated or if gets worst can lead to several complications like sleeping disorders, pneumonia, failure of respiratory system, collapsed lungs and also leads to severe asthma which may not respond to the treatment.

Winter Effects on Asthma People

As discussed earlier, cold weather severely affects asthma people and triggers asthma attack. Asthma is one among the most 5 common health problems in winter. Generally our inside body and organs are warmer than the outside temperature and also the air we breathe is warmed before reaching the lungs. In winter and cold weathers people with asthma inhale cold air and they fail to warm up the breath before reaching the lungs. This cold breath affects lungs and leads to lung disorders and also inflames air ways. In winter the air is also dry, when people with asthma breathe this dry air, it irritates muscle tissues in the airways and leads to inflammation. Usually in winter due to cold weather people stay indoors and this increase their risk of allergies. When people stay indoors they come in contact with several allergens like pet dander, dust mites and others and this leads to a condition called allergic asthma. Along with these in winters people generally have cold, flu and other seasonal illnesses which also trigger asthma attacks. In winter several physical factors like stress and anxiety also plays a crucial role in worsening asthma symptoms. In winter people with asthma should be very careful especially the children and elders, as they have weak immunity and are more prone to several health illnesses. People need to take extra care in winter to stay healthy and avoid health illnesses. Asthma is a serious disease and if left untreated it can be life threatening also.

Asthma Disorders Control Tips

Even though asthma is an incurable disorder, by following few tips one can control and manage the symptoms and also prevents worsening of the disease. Here are few asthma control tips which helps in controlling the symptoms.

  • Avoid contact with allergens and especially stay away from pet dander which further worsens symptoms of allergies.
  • Wear appropriate winter wear and cover yourself to avoid seasonal illnesses.
  • Use air purifiers and keep your house clean and dry.
  • Stay away from infected people with seasonal illnesses as these illnesses may worsen asthma symptoms.
  • Exercise regularly and also stay hydrated by increasing intake of fluids and water.
  • Adjust your room temperature as the weather at night times and early hours is very cold.
  • Stay indoors in cold weather and practice several exercises
  • Carry your inhaler always with you to avoid any emergencies.
  • Have healthy diet, include soups which can also improve immunity.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with appropriate clothing like scarfs, kerchiefs and so on during cold breeze.
  • Quit smoking as it further damages your lungs and increases inflammation in airways.
  • Control your alcohol consumption.
  • Control physical factors like stress and anxiety as they can trigger asthma attack.
  • Maintain hygiene and wash your hands frequently as it helps to avoid several infections and allergies in weather changes
  • Go out during late hours when the weather is hot and warm
  • Take your allergy doses and flu vaccine to avoid complications.
  • Take your asthma prescriptions regularly without fail.
  • Use saline sprays to keep your nasal passages clean and eliminate blockages.
  • Get regular check ups as it helps to eliminate severe complications.

Homeopathy Treatment for Asthma Disorders

Homeopathy treatment for asthma disorders works very well in controlling the symptoms and eliminating the root cause of the asthma disorders like allergies, infections and so on. Homeopathy for asthma problems uses natural remedies which are safe, free from adverse side effects and also which are suitable to all age groups. Homeopathy treatment for asthma problems is prescribed based on the symptoms, complete examination and theory of individualization. Asthma successfully reduces the inflammation in the airways and also production of excess mucus. Homeopathy mainly focuses on improving immunity and treating several illnesses and for overall wellbeing. Homeopathy along with treatment also provides asthma disorders tips. These homeopathy tips for asthma helps to provide quick relief from symptoms and eliminates the occurrence of asthma attack.

Fruits Health Tips

The Best Fruits and Vegetables to Eat in Winter

As winter is here, we get to enjoy lots of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Though now a day’s fruits and vegetables are available all around the year, but they are fresh, tasty and cheap in that particular season. Including winter fruits and vegetables in diet helps to improve immunity and also keep away from cold, flu and other seasonal illnesses.

Here are the list of winter fruits and vegetables, which helps to improve our health and give us all required nutrients.

Best Fruits to Eat All Winter

Fruits in winter

  • Apple- As we know eating an apple daily keeps doctor away, we get to enjoy fresh apples in winter and is one of the most important fruits to eat in winter. Apples are a great start for a day and also beneficial for teeth and skin. Apples improve digestive health, prevent asthma and also improve heart health.
  • Pomegranate- Pomegranates are rich in all essential nutrients. Pomegranates prevent health problems like heart attack, hypertension and also control cholesterol. Pomegranate also protects us from cancers and Alzheimer’s abscess.
  • Oranges- Oranges are one of the top fruits which give us many health benefits. Oranges are rich in potassium, calcium, fibre, vitamin C and so on. Oranges are beneficial for bones, improves immunity, treats constipation and also useful for skin.
  • Grapes- Grapes along with its sour and sweet taste also have many essential nutrients and provide many health benefits. Grapes help to control cholesterol, headache, migraine, beneficial for eye and so on.

Vegetables in winter

Here is the list of vegetables to eat in winter.

  • Carrot- Carrots are one of the mostly common vegetables to eat in winter. Carrots are loaded with antioxidants, beta carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and also vitamin K. Carrots are beneficial for skin, eyes, reduce the risk of cancers and also cardiovascular diseases.
  • Cabbage- Cabbages are one of the winter veggies with several vitamins and minerals. Cabbage also contains fibre and helps to control cholesterol, diabetes and also reduce the risk of cancers.
  • Potatoes- Though we get potatoes throughout the year but they are fresh in winter. Potatoes are very nutritious and contain potassium, folic acid, vitamin C and magnesium.
  • Green leafy vegetables- Green leafy vegetables are very beneficial for health, they are rich in iron, calcium, manganese, potassium, anti oxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and also contains several vitamins like A,C,E and K. These green vegetables reduce cholesterol levels, helps in digestion and also protect us from cancers.
  • Beetroot- Though beets are available in all seasons but they are fresh in winter. Beets are rich in antioxidants, potassium, foliate and vitamin A, B and C. Beetroot helps in detoxification, beneficial for skin, hair and also is low in fat and calories.
  • Cauliflower- Cauliflower is a cool weather crop and it is fresh in winter. Cauliflowers are rich in antioxidants, carotenoids and all essential vitamins like C, A, K and E. It helps to reduce the risk of cancer, brain disorders, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and so on.
Chest Pain Health Tips

The Major Symptoms & Causes of Chest Pain

Chest pain or discomfort in chest is also called as Angina. In this condition people experience increased pain, pressure, tightness and feeling of squeezing in chest. Though many people mistake it with heart attack but it may be a warning sign. The chest pain is mainly caused due to low or reduced circulation to the heart muscles. Because of low circulation our heart may not receive enough oxygen which brings pressure and pain in heart. This lack of circulation or supply may be caused due to narrowed arteries or may be when arteries get blocked due to some other factors. Though it is a symptom of coronary heart diseases, it also goes away quickly. Chest pain or angina is classified in to different types like

Stable angina- this is the most common type of angina which may be caused due to stress or excess strain. This type of chest pain lasts for few minutes.
Unstable angina- this can be due to sedentary lifestyle or due to lack of physical activity. In this type the pain and discomfort in chest can be severe and may last longer.
Variant or prinzmetals angina- in this type people face sudden narrowing of arteries which further causes severe pain in chest during nights while sleeping.

Health Tips for Chest pain

Causes of chest pain

Chest pain or angina is mainly due to lack of circulation and oxygen to the heart and due to blockages. It is caused due to several factors like

  • Blockage in arteries due to excess formation of plaque
  • Pulmonary embolism (artery blockage in the lungs)
  • Cardiomyopathy (condition of enlarged heart)
  • Aortic stenosis (narrowing of heart’s aortic valve)
  • Pericarditis (Inflammation of lining or sac around the heart)
  • Aortic dissection (tear in inner layer of aorta)

Symptoms of chest pain

People face several different symptoms of chest pain like

  • Severe pain and pressure
  • Chest tightening and felling of squeezing
  • Burning sensation or heartburn
  • Weakness and sweating
  • Breathlessness
  • Nausea
  • Indigestion and feeling of fullness

Though the pain starts in chest but in severe cases it spreads to other parts of the body like neck, jaw, shoulders, arms, back, throat and also to the back. Men experience pain in chest where as women face discomfort or pain in neck, jaw, throat, back.

Homeopathy treatment for chest pain

Homeopathy treatment for chest pain is very useful and treats it normally using natural remedies. Homeopathy remedies for chest pain are made of natural substances like plants, vegetables and other minerals. Homeopathy treatment for chest pain mainly aims to treat the underlying cause of the problem and also improves our overall health. Homeopathy for chest pain is safe, non toxic and also free from side effects. Homeopathy for chest pain problems not just provides relief from symptoms but also improves our immunity. Homeopathy provides prescriptions based on the symptoms, area of pain and also on individualization theory hence the treatment differs from each individual. A professional homeopath also provides health tips for chest pain which further helps in quick recovery.

Health Tips Monsoon Diseases

Health Care Tips of Monsoon Diseases

What are Monsoon Diseases?

Though monsoon is beautiful and enjoying with its cool breeze and rain drops, it also brings along several diseases. As we all know changes in weather directly influences our health. Cool and humid weather in monsoon affects our immune system and increase the risk of several diseases. Especially children and elders are at an increased risk of several diseases. The weather in monsoon is perfect breeding time for several insects, bacteria and pests. Many people in monsoon gets affected with mosquito borne diseases, air borne diseases, water borne diseases and others like seasonal allergies and infections.

Here is the list of few most common monsoon diseases

  • Cold and cough
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Typhoid
  • Cholera
  • Chicken pox
  • Diarrhea
  • Jaundice
  • Dengue
  • Chikungunya
  • Malaria
  • Fungal infections
  • Leptospirosis
  • Stomach infections
  • Hepatitis A
  • Pneumonia
  • Several allergies
  • Skin and scalp infections
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Sinusitis

Health care Tips in Monsoon Season

Along with the above illnesses elders also face increase in joint pains. Monsoon also triggers asthma attack in people who are suffering from asthma.

How to stay away from Monsoon Disorders?

Prevention is the ultimate way to protect ourselves from these monsoon diseases. By following few monsoon diseases prevention tips we can control the monsoon diseases. Monsoon diseases control tips include

  • Keep your house and surroundings clean and avoid water stagnation.
  • Use mosquito repellent creams to safe guard your children and family from mosquito bites.
  • Carry rain gear to protect yourself from rain
  • Keep yourself and your house dry.
  • Take a bath soon after reaching home when you get drenched in rain to avoid skin allergies
  • Drink boiled and warm water to avoid water borne diseases
  • Avoid junk and outside food to avoid food poisoning.
  • Adjust the temperature in house to avoid cold and cough
  • Wash hands and feet frequently to avoid infections, allergies and germs.
  • Stay away from infected persons.

What are the Major Signs of Monsoon Disorders?

People with monsoon disorders may have few signs and symptoms like

  • Cough
  • Blocked nose
  • Sore throat
  • Fever with chills
  • Body ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Rashes on skin and scalp
  • Loss of appetite

Overcome tips for Monsoon Disorders

Homeopathy works very efficiently in treating monsoon diseases. Homeopathy treatment improves immunity and healing process of body and treats many monsoon diseases. Homeopathic remedies for monsoon diseases are safe as they are made of natural substances like plants, vegetables and other natural minerals. A homeopath along with treatment for monsoon disorders also provides several health tips for monsoon diseases. Homeopathy health tips for monsoon diseases include healthy diet, regular exercises and so on for quick recovery and also helps to improve immunity. A homeopathy doctor prescribes treatment based on the symptoms and theory of individualization. Homeopathy treatment differs from each individual based on the symptoms and health history of the individual. Homeopathy treatment and health tips for monsoon diseases are safe, free from side effects and are suitable for all age groups.

Health Tips Tobacco Control

Health Tips for Tobacco Control

How to Control Tobacco?

Using tobacco leads to several health problems, it affects almost every organ of our body. It causes deadly diseases and reduces the life span of individuals. According to world health organization (WHO) about 6 million people are dying every year due to tobacco usage. Though the usage of tobacco gives pleasure, boosts mind, provides relief from stress and anger, it also leads to deadly diseases like lung cancer. Tobacco contains an addictive substance called nicotine due to which people face difficulty to get rid of it. Tobacco not only affects the person who uses it, but also affects other family members as second hand smoke. The smoke enters lungs and effects most of the body tissues, approximately 600000 people are dying because of inhaling the mainstream and side stream smoke i.e. second hand smoke. Controlling tobacco usage lowers the risk of several smoking related health complications. Controlling the tobacco usage is not only beneficial to you but also to family members and people around you as they also get affected by breathing second hand smoke. One can control tobacco usage by different methods like chewing gum and other tobacco control tips.

Homeopathy Tips for Tobacco Control

What are Tobacco Related Diseases?

Usage of tobacco causes several long term and short term health complications. Excess usage of tobacco leads to deadly diseases. Few tobacco related diseases are

  • Short term health issues
  • Bad breath
  • Strains on teeth or yellow teeth
  • Ulcers
  • Low immunity
  • Wrinkles
  • Smoke smell
  • Infections
  • Long term health issues
  • Breathing or respiratory problems
  • Cancers (several cancers like lung, mouth, throat, liver, stomach, kidney and pancreas)
  • Cardiovascular diseases and heart stroke
  • Infertility
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Organ damage
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)

Stay away from Tobacco Usage

People need strong will and determination to stay away from tobacco usage or smoking. Staying away from tobacco increase the life spans and prevents health diseases. People who want to stay away from smoking should take care of few factors like delaying the cravings, practising breathing exercises, drinking lots and lots of water, engaging themselves in new tasks and habits, talk to your family and be with them. Engaging in different tasks and habits also helps to control the urge of tobacco and smoking. Several techniques are available to stop and control smoking.

Homeopathy Tips for Tobacco Control

Homeopathy naturally treats tobacco addiction and its symptoms like anxiety, depression and several others. Homeopathy has several remedies to control tobacco usage. These homeopathic remedies for tobacco control are safe, non additive and have no side effects. These tobacco prevention tips are safe and can be used by people of all age groups. Along with treatment homeopathy also provides health tips for tobacco control. These homeopathy health tips for tobacco control are safe, non addictive and suitable for all age groups. Homeopathy not just focuses on particular problem but focuses on overall wellbeing of individuals. Homeopathy tobacco control treatment is provided based on the symptoms and severity of the condition. Homeopathy treatment is differed from each individual and works very efficiently.

Health Tips Sinus

Tips for Sinus Infections

What are Sinus Infections?

Sinus infection is the inflammation of sinuses caused due to bacterial infection. Sinuses are the air filled cavities located in the bones surrounding the nose, cheeks and forehead. In normal conditions these sinuses are filed with air. When an individual has cold or infected with bacteria, these sinuses fill with mucus and pus, the infections leads to inflammation in the sinuses. Sinuses swell, become narrow and block the pathways. Pathways are the channels that help to drain sinuses, when these channels gets blocked, the mucus and pus builds in sinuses and causes discomfort. Sinus infection is also known as sinusitis and rhinosinusitis. Sinusitis is classified into different types based on severity and duration of the pain and discomfort like acute sinusitis, sub acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis and recurrent sinusitis. People with sinusitis have symptoms like headache, facial pain, hyposmia, sore throat, dizziness, fever, congestion, blocked nose, ear pain, facial swelling and bad breath. Several factors like cold, Allergies, smoking, deviated septum and nasal polyp’s leads to sinus infection in many people. Dehydration, smoking, tumors and mucus formation are the risk factors that can also lead to sinus infection. Sinusitis is not a serious disease but if left untreated can also lead to meningitis.

 Sinus Treatment through Homeopathy

How to avoid sinus infection

People can prevent infections through few sinus infection tips and safety measures like

  • Maintain hygiene and wash your hands frequently to avoid cold and other infections which can lead to sinus infections.
  • Drink plenty of water to be hydrated and to flush away toxins.
  • Use nasal sprays to avoid nasal congestion and bacterial infection.
  • Avoid contact with triggers like smoke, pollution that irritates sinuses.
  • Stay away from people with cold and cough as it contagious.
  • Stay away from allergies like dust and other allergens to avoid congestion.
  • Clean and vacuum home frequently to avoid allergies.

Overcome tips for sinus infection

One can overcome sinus infections and its symptoms like pain and congestion by following few tips. These health tips to overcome sinus infection include

  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables that improve immunity and eliminate allergies and infections.
  • Eat spicy food as it helps to dissolve mucus accumulated in sinuses.
  • Use steam inhaling technique to get relief from congestion and blocked nose. It not only clears blocked nose but also provide relief from sinus symptoms like facial pain and headache.
  • Goggling with warm salt water gives relief from cold, cough and sore throat.

Homeopathy Tips for Sinus Infections

Homeopathy for sinus infections is a natural way of treating the infection. Homeopathic remedies for sinus infections are made of natural substances extracted from plants, vegetables and minerals. Homeopathy doctors provide tips to treat sinus infections and its symptoms. Homeopathy not just treats the infection but also aims to treat the root cause of the problem. Homeopathic tips for sinus infections aims to treat sinusitis by improving immunity and self healing process. Homeopathy treatment is safe, free from side effects and can also be used to all age groups. Homeopathy tips for sinus include healthy diet and exercises and other tips to overcome sinus problems and their consequences.

Health Tips Pollution

Protect your Health from Pollution and Dust problems

Pollution and dust problems impact in body

Pollution and dust are the major concern that is affecting the human and other living beings. Contamination of environment is termed as pollution. Main forms of pollution are Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution, sound pollution and dust pollution. Industrial gases and wastes, mining, constructions, tobacco, smoking, vehicles smoke and horns, are main causes of pollution. Pollution and Dust affects people of all age groups and small children and elder people are at increased risk of several health illnesses. Inhaling pollution and dust particles leads to several lung, heart and respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis and many more. Consuming or drinking polluted water can lead to many serious health issues and also causes death. Pollution and dust affects growth and development of young children. Inhaling dust particles causes problems like coughing, sneezing, congestion, irritation in eyes and fever and many more. Pollution not only affects our health but also affects our Skin and Hair. High exposure to pollution, dust and chemicals leads to increased premature Death rates, Heat Attacks, Abnormal Heart Beat, Hypertension and reduced lung functioning.

Protect your health from pollution

Tips to overcome pollution and dust problems

By following some tips in daily activities we can control types of man made pollution and dust, they are

  • Conserve energy by switching off lights and fans when not in use
  • Avoid using own vehicle for every work, instead use public transport and car pooling.
  • Go by walk or cycling to short distances.
  • Keep vehicles in good condition in order to avoid high pollution
  • Do not burn leaves or other waste materials instead compost them.
  • Do no throw old items, reuse them or recycle them
  • Use gas logs instead of wood to reduce smoke and dust
  • Grow more trees in order to keep air fresh.
  • Control noise or sound pollution
  • Quit smoking to control pollution and health illnesses

Protecting health from pollution and dust problems

Eliminating exposure to pollution is the utmost way to avoid health issues. Following few preventive measures and tips for pollution and dust problems helps to reduce health issues caused due to pollution and dust.

  • Wearing a scarf or covering nose and mouth with a hand kerchief helps to reduce exposure to pollution and dust
  • Using air purifiers in home controls dust and pollution
  • Grow more trees and living near greenery helps to get rid of pollution
  • Avoid going outdoors when pollution levels are high i.e. in the afternoons, plan your activities in the mornings or evenings.
  • Using less energy at home helps to improve air quality
  • Avoid smoking to control pollution and health
  • Add fresh fruits and vegetables in diet to improve immunity and avoid health issues like allergies.

Homeopathy tips for pollution and dust problems

Homeopathy is a natural holistic treatment which treats a person as whole. Homeopathy provides pollution and dust problems tips in order to control health problems arising due to pollution by improving immunity and self healing process. Homeopathy for pollution and dust problems is very effective when compared to other methods. Homeopathic remedies for pollution and dust problems are made of natural substances extracted from plants, vegetables and minerals. Homeopathy provides health tips to overcome pollution and dust problems like Asthma Disorders, Bronchitis, Lung Disorders and many more. Homeopathy provides diet and exercise tips to improve overall well being of individuals.

Lung Disorders Treatments

Overcome Lung Disorders With Best Homeopathy Treatment

What is Lung Disorder?

Lung disorders is most common in people of all age groups from children to elders. If left untreated, this disorder may lead to several complications like asthma, hypertension and others due to inflamed airways. These disorders may also be caused due to allergies and viral infections. Let us know a little more about this condition in detail

Problem in lungs that affects lungs functioning is called as lung disorder. Lungs are the primary organs of the respiration, located on either side of chest. Lungs allow oxygen into our body and removes carbon dioxide from the body. Lungs expand and relax thousand times every day to bring in Oxygen and send out Carbon Dioxide. Lungs take in oxygen from air and deliver it to the cells, as cells in our body needs oxygen to work and for growth. Lung problems are the most common conditions faced by many individuals all over the world.

Lung disorders are divided into three main types

There are different types of lung disorders, few can also lead to respiratory failure.

Airway diseases- in this type of diseases airways or bronchial tubes get affected and may also lead to narrowing or blockage of these airways.
Lung tissue diseases- in this type of disease, the lung tissue structures become inflamed and make it difficult for the lungs to expand.
Lung circulation diseases- in this type vessels in the lungs get clotted or inflamed and affect lungs ability to take oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Common lung disorders includeHomeopathy for Lung Disorders

  • Asthma Disorders
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Pulmonary fibrosis or interstitial lung disease (ILD)
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Pneumonia
  • Influenza problems
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Lung cancer
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Sarcoidosis

Causes of lung disorders

Several factors can lead to these disorders in people. Few common causes and triggers of these disorders include

  • Genetics or hereditary
  • Smoking
  • Viral and bacterial infections
  • Allergies
  • Exposure to pollution and chemicals
  • Obesity
  • Certain remedies used in treatments
  • Air pollutants
  • Weather or seasonal changes


Homeopathy for Lung DisordersPeople with these disorders face many symptoms. Some common symptoms seen in people with this disorders are

  • Breathlessness or shortness of breath
  • Continuous cough
  • Wheezing
  • Chest pain
  • High mucus production
  • Abnormal heart rate
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

Lung disorders and its affects can be seen in men, women, children’s, smokers and also non-smokers. It causes difficulty in breathing.

Prevention procedures of lung disorders?

With the help of few tips individuals can control these disorders and lead a healthy and happy life. Below are few tips which helps to control these disorders

  • Avoid exposure to pollutants
  • Quit smoking
  • Getting vaccinated
  • Avoiding allergens and triggers
  • Gat vaccinated
  • Regular exercises
  • Regular health check up’s
  • Avoid crowded areas to avoid infection spreading.

Homeopathy remedies for lung disorders

Homeopathy treatment for lung disorders is very effective in treating lung abnormalities and related health issues. These disorders in homeopathy are cured and its symptoms are also eliminated. Homeopathy remedies for lung disorders are made of natural substances and are safe to use. Homeopathy remedies helps in reducing the inflammation, stops further damage of lungs, eases breathing and improves overall health. Homeopathy is also very effective in treating this kind of disorders for both men and women. Homeopathy for lung problems works by building immunity and self healing mechanism of the individuals.

Homeopathy also provide Lungs disorders prevention tips which are very helpful in the treatment and are also efficient in controlling tips. Lung disorder tips include healthy diet, regular physicals and avoiding triggers. Health tips for lung disorders and homeopathy treatment not just focus in lung disorders but also targets to improve immunity of the body and its self healing process.

Asthma Treatments

Allergic Asthma Symptoms and Homeopathy Treatment

Allergic asthma is a type of asthma which is caused due to inhaling allergens. It is one of the commonly seen types of asthma in many people. When people come across allergens and inhale them, they will have the symptoms of asthma. When people inhale allergens their muscles around airways gets swollen, mucus is formed and leads to breathing problems. Allergic asthma is also a respiratory disease. People with allergic asthma become very sensitive and tend to produce more mucus in lings which again leads to difficulties in breathing.

Some common allergens that tend to allergic asthma are dust mites, pollen from trees and grass, animal dander, cockroaches and mold. When people come in contact with these allergens, their immune system over reacts and tightens muscles around bronchial tubes. Some other factors like smoking, pollution, cold breeze and strong odours like air fresheners, chemical cleaners and perfumes also triggers allergic asthma affects in many people. Allergic asthma can be hereditary i.e. it runs in families. Allergic asthma can be severe and sometimes it can be life threatening. Diagnosis and treatment are very important for allergic asthma. Avoiding triggers is the best way to control allergic asthma, to be safe and control asthma attack individuals should avoid allergens and also other factors which causes irritation and leads to simple illnesses. In few people food items and treatment remedies also can lead to allergic asthma.
Some important treatments available to treat allergic asthma are

  • Immunotherapy (allergy shots)
  • Leukotriene modifier
  • Anti immunoglobulin E therapy

Though allergic asthma attacks are not completely preventable, they can be managed and severity can be controlled by few lifestyle changes and by avoiding triggers and environment.

Symptoms of Allergic Asthma :

Symptoms for allergic asthma and asthma are quite common, they are

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increased rate of breathing
  • Running nose
  • Congestion
  • Anaphylaxis (high allergic reaction)
  • Swollen face or tongue

To control the severity of allergic asthma individuals should avoid triggers, stop smoking, taking remedies, control weight, have healthy diet, use air filters, avoid pets and control stress. Allergic asthma attacks are common in cold weather and in seasonal changes. People with allergic asthma need to take extra care during seasonal changes and cold weathers. Senior citizens with allergic asthma need to be extra careful and take their prescriptions regularly to avoid severe attacks. Allergic asthma attacks can be severe in elder people as they low immunity when compared to others, is more susceptible to infections, diseases and allergies.

Homeopathy Treatment :

Homeopathy treatment for allergic asthma and asthma is very effective and safe. Homeopathy treatment uses substances made of plants, vegetables and minerals hence they are safe and have no side effects when compared to other alternative treatments. Homeopathy not just aims to treat asthma or allergic asthma but it also targets to improve immunity and body’s self healing mechanism to avoid and protect body from other illnesses. Homeopathy not only targets at treating inflamed airways or symptoms of allergic asthma but it focuses on in depth cause of inflammation and provides relief. A homeopath offers treatment based on symptoms, family history and also based on the allergens to provide accurate results.