Belly Fat Health Tips

4 Easy and Effective way to lose Belly Fat

Belly fat is the fat deposited around the midsection i.e. abdominal organs. Belly fat is also termed as stomach fat or abdominal fat or visceral fat. High fat around the stomach has a negative impact on health. Belly fat has a negative impact on organs of our body by producing high hormones and chemicals. It leads to health issues like heart diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and colorectal cancer.

Causes of Belly Fat :

Factors causing belly fat are

  • Stress
  • Lack of exercise
  • Over eating habits
  • Genes
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Consuming refined carbohydrates
  • Skipping meals
  • Aging
  • Hormonal changes
  • Eating late at nights
  • Have PCOS ( polycystic ovary syndrome)
  • Taking beverages high in sugar
  • Low protein and fibre foods.

Junk food causes Belly Fat?

Junk foods are processed food with high calories, low nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Junk foods are in high in calories, excess calories are stored as fat around stomach. Fat around stomach is treated as belly fat. Taking junk food effects metabolism process and causes chemical imbalance in our body. The biggest cause of belly fat is junk food and sugar items.

Losing Belly Fat is a time taking process :

It is easy to put on belly fat and but very difficult to get rid of it. It is difficult to lose belly fat than fat in other areas of the body. Controlling belly fat is a time taking process. With strict diet and regular exercises we can lose belly fat.

Ways to lose Belly Fat :

Belly fat has a negative impact on health, mood and looks. Fat can be under your skin or it can be around your lungs, heart, liver and other organs which is generally termed as visceral fat. Here are the list of ways to lose belly fat, one can control belly fat naturally by following these steps. They are
Exercise– regular exercising helps to control belly fat and fat in other areas and keeps us fit and healthy. Exercises like walking, running, jogging, crunches, bicycle exercises, lunge twist, bending side to side, aerobic exercises (cardio), high intensity interval training, rolling plank exercise and captains chair exercise.
Yoga and meditation– yoga is the safest way to lose belly fat. Asanas and breathing techniques of yoga helps to shed extra fat in your body along with belly fat. Suryanamaskara, pavan mukthasana, bhujangasana, dhanurasana, padahasthasana are some of the asanas which are helpful in controlling belly fat.
Therapies uses power of mind, it control stress, treats binge eating and helps to lose belly fat.
Diet– Diet plays an important role in our daily activities and to lose weight.

  • Eat high fibre content food
  • Eat protein rich food
  • Include oatmeal and fish in your diet
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, they have good carbohydrates.
  • Eat your breakfast and avoid late night eating habits
  • Eat small meals
  • Avoid foods that contain Tran’s fat and processed foods.

Good Sleep and control stress– sleep is very important for healthy lifestyle, to release stress and also to maintain weight. People with sleeping disorders or don’t get enough sleep are more likely to gain weight and belly fat. In order to control belly fat one should have enough quality sleep.

French Fries Health Tips

3 Effects of French Fries on Your Health

French fries one of the favourite foods of children. Are your kids and family eating them regularly are they safe? Are they healthy? A big NO. Eating French fries regularly can adversely affect your loved ones health, it increases fat and cholesterol levels. They also increase the risk of several chronic disorders like hypertension, diabetes, obesity and also cardiovascular diseases.

French fries are long thin pieces of potatoes that are deep fried. French fries are also called les frites, chips, finger chips and fries. Deep frying pieces of potatoes make them high in fat and calories. French fries are popular food for all age groups from children to elder people. French fries are eaten as snack or part of lunch and dinner by millions of people throughout the world as they are easily and readily available foods. French fries are served hot, soft and crispy with ketchup and mayonnaise.
History of French fries traced back to Belgium in late 1600’s. As its name French fries are not native to French. Poor villagers living in Meuse valley of Belgium fry up small fish they caught in the river for their meals. In winter season fishing becomes impossible as the river would freeze over, the villagers had to find some other sources of food as it was difficult to get fish. The villagers turned to the potato i.e. root plant, they sliced and fried them the way how they prepared fish. American soldiers stationed in Belgium were introduced to French fries during World War 1. Soldiers nicknamed fried potatoes as French fries.

Why French Fries are Not Safe ?

French fries are not safe for health as they contain bad fatty acids, carbohydrates, Tran’s fat, high in calories and high in sodium chloride. all these make French fries the most unhealthy food.

Effects of French Fries on Health :

Eating French fries causes some serious health problems, here is the list of health issues caused by including French fries in diet
Weight gain– French fries are high in calories and carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are converted into glycogen, if we don’t make some exercise or go for a walk these are turned into fats and stored in the body. Children who eat French fries are at high risk of obesity as the French fries contain high calories and fats. Children need good and enough food for their growth and development but intake of more calories than they burn leads to weight gain and obesity. French fries act as promoting food of obesity.
Heart diseases– Though French fries and fried foods are delicious, but they contain bad saturated fats, carbohydrates and salt. These increases the risk of obesity, weight gain, belly fat and high sugar. These are directly linked to cardiovascular diseases. French fries increase the risk of heart diseases and stroke.
Causes cancer– French fries cooked at high temperatures causes chemical reaction in the food and forms acrylamide. Acrylamide is the main cause of cancer. French fries contain high amount of acrylamide which increase the risk of cancers.
Causes diabetes– French fries are high in bad fatty acids, calories, are high glycemic index food and these are made of starchy vegetable which increases sugar levels. Fried foods leads to weight gain and increase the risk of diabetes.
Experts advise pregnant women and nursing women to avoid French fries as they have adverse effects on fetuses and newborns.

Health Tips Sunlight

Health Benefits of Sunlight

Moderate amount of sun provides many health benefits and is a natural way to get vitamin D. Exposure to sun reduces hypertension, improves immunity, natural healing of the body, useful for skin, hair and also in children sunlight plays a crucial role in growth and development. It lifts mood and treats depression. Sunlight naturally treats jaundice.

Sunlight is the energy and light that comes from sun. It is the radiation and heat from the sun in form of infrared, visible and ultraviolet light. Without sunlight we can’t think of life as it gives energy to the plants to grow which provides oxygen and food for many species on earth including animals, human beings, birds, insects and many more. Plants use sunlight in the process of photosynthesis. Our body use ultraviolet light from sunlight i.e. exposure to sun light to make vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for healthy bones, cell growth and other body functions. Without light and heat from sun earth could only be a lifeless cold planet.


Definition of Sunrays :

Sunrays are rays of light from the sun. Rays of light indicates narrow beams of light.

Which Time is Good to Absorb the Sunlight ?

Now a day’s many people are suffering from vitamin D deficiency and facing many health problems as vitamin D is very important for healthy bones, for immunity and for brain development. Every individual has a doubt and debate about the timing one should go out in the sun as exposure to sunlight is crucial to raise the vitamin D levels.
Some doctors advise to sit or get exposed to early morning sun i.e. before 11am and evenings i.e. after 4pm when sunlight or sun rays are mild. Avoid exposure to mid day sun when it is too hot as ultraviolet light or rays can cause sunburn and skin cancer.
Whereas some experts say our skin produces more vitamin D, if we expose it during the middle of the day i.e. between 10 am to 3 pm because in the early morning and late afternoon the sun rays are more oblique and get absorbed by the ozone layer and your body don’t make vitamin D.
Health Benefits of Sunlight :

Too much exposure to sun may cause some skin problems whereas right balance can give lots of health benefits. Here are important health benefits of moderate sun exposure
Lowers blood pressure– our body release nitric oxide when we get exposed to sun which helps to control the BP.
Treats skin disorders– skin exposure to sun can treat several skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, acne and other fungal infections.
Boosts growth in children– several studies says that exposing children to mild sun as direct effects on how tall the children grow. As exposure to sun boost growth and height in children.
Improves bone health– our body produce vitamin D when exposed to sun, it stimulate the absorption of bone strengthening calcium. Vitamin D reduces risk of bone diseases and fractures.
Good for hair– we get vitamin D from sunlight which is useful for hair, it stimulates hair growth and treat hair loss.
Exposure to sunlight lowers cholesterol, control risk of cancer, improves sleep quality, brain function, improves metabolism and treat macular degeneration.

Bitter Gourd Health Tips

Surprising benefits of Bitter Gourd

Explain about Bitter Gourd?

Bitter gourd is also known as bitter melon or karela, its scientific name is Momordica charantia and it belongs to Cucurbitaceae family. It is originated in India and introduced to China. It is widely used in India and tropical countries like China, Thailand, East Africa and Asia. It is the bitterest vegetable among all the vegetables. It is a powerhouse of several nutrients that improve overall health. It is a vegetable that is widely used in Ayurvedic, herbal and traditional Chinese remedies. Usually they are dark and light green in colour but its size, colour and bitterness differs depending on the region they are grown. In India it is green or white in colour, has a narrow shape with pointed ends and surface covered with triangular ridges. Bitter gourd juice is also very beneficial for health. Bitter gourd is used in various dishes like stir fries, soups, herbal teas and prepared as fresh pickles. Different spices, lemon juice, honey and jiggery are used to control the bitterness. It control cancers, treats diabetes, fever and infections.

bitter gaurd

Nutrient factors present in Bitter Gourd :

Besides its bitter taste, it is a good source of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and antioxidants. It is very good and nutritious when compared to many other vegetables and fruits. It contains important minerals like zinc, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese and copper. It is a very good source of dietary fibre and contains cellulose that helps digestion. Bitter gourds are very low in calories.
It contains essential vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, thiamine, folate, niacin and riboflavin. It acts as a powerful natural antioxidant. Bitter gourd is a good source of flavonoids like β-carotene, α-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin which are very beneficial for health and fight against aging, cancers and various disease processes. Bitter gourd contains an insulin compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin which helps to control diabetes naturally. The antioxidant properties present in bitter gourd acts as purifiers.

Surprising benefits of Bitter Gourd :

Even though it is bitter in taste it is loaded with important nutrients, minerals and vitamins, which we need for healthy and happy life. Health benefits of bitter gourd are

  • Helpful in diabetes
  • Improves immunity
  • Controls various types of cancers and stops cancer cells from multiplying
  • Treats respiratory problems like asthma, cold and cough
  • Lowers bad cholesterol levels and helps in weight loss
  • Treats skin problems and inflammation
  • Bitter gourd juice helps in treating piles
  • Improves digestion
  • Good for hair
  • Maintains Bp levels
  • Improves liver health
  • Treats kidney stones and bladder disorders
  • Control heart diseases and helps in healthy heart
  • Fights virus and bacterial infections
  • Stimulate stamina and energy levels in the body
  • Treats eye disorders and strengthens eyesight
  • Helps in treating jaundice
  • Helps in treating emotional disorders like anxiety and depression
  • Useful and effective in treating HIV and AIDS infections
  • Beneficial for women overall health (treats menstrual problems and female genital tract problems).
Black Pepper Health Tips

Uses of Black Pepper

Explain about Black pepper?

Black pepper, the king of spices along with its strong aroma also has several nutrients like iron, several vitamins and protein. The nutrients present in black pepper provide several health benefits by controlling cholesterol, anemia, hypertension, digestion problems, body pain and diabetes. Antibiotic properties present in black pepper helps to treat bacterial infections and arthritis.
Black pepper is a common spice used in different cuisines worldwide. Its scientific name is piper nigrum; it is a flowering vine and belongs to piperaceae family. It is cultivated for fruit called peppercorn, when it is dried it turns black as black pepper. It is used as a spice in both whole and powdered form; it is also used for seasoning in various cuisines. It is native to south Indian Kerala state and it is called the king of spices. Along with its strong flavour it gives to the recipes, it is also beneficial for health. There are four varieties of peppercorns are there namely Black pepper, white pepper, green pepper and wild pepper.


Nutrient factors present in Black Pepper :

Black peppers have an interesting and impressive nutritional profile; they contain essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre which we need for healthy life. They contain vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, niacin, folate and choline. They contain high percentage of vitamin K which increases calcium absorption in bones and promotes cardiovascular health. With vitamin C and vitamin K black pepper contains anti inflammatory properties.
Black peppers contain important minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, selenium and fluoride. Black peppers are rich in iron; it is a great tool to fight with anemia. Black peppers with high manganese content they offer great antioxidant protection. Copper present in black pepper supports immunity and thyroid gland activity. Potassium helps lower Bp.
Black peppers are low in calories and contains good amount of dietary fibre. They contain high amount of anti oxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and fever reducing properties. Black pepper contains essential oils like piperine, an ammonia-derived alkaloid; these oils are also used in aromatherapy to get relief from pains.

Health benefits of Black Pepper :

Black peppers provide various health benefits like
Improves digestion and stimulate appetite– black peppers increase hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach which eases digestion and improves appetite.
Control cancers – black pepper contains piperine, vitamin C, vitamin A, flavonoids and anti oxidants that removes free radicals and protect our body from cancers.
Helps in weight loss– black peppers contain phytonutrients that encourage breakdown of fat cells and helps to lose weight.
Treats respiratory issues– black peppers breaks down the mucus stuck in the respiratory tract and helps to treat problems like sinus, cough, cold, breathing problems and asthma.
Treats diabetes– it treat type-2 diabetes with its phenolic and antioxidant content
Treats high Bp and hypertension – the piperine, phenolics and antioxidants in black pepper helps lower Bp and treats hypertension.
Control dental problems– black pepper helps fight tooth decay and provides relief from toothache. Helpful in improving dental health.
It also provides health benefits like promotes healthy hair, treats cognitive disorders, relieves gas, increases nutrient absorption, improves skin, treats ulcers, it has antibiotic properties and treats bacterial infections, boost the metabolism and benefits people suffering from rheumatism and arthritis.

Fruits Health Tips

Health benefits of Mangoes

Mangoes are the all time favourites for all age groups from children to elders. They belong to the yellow and orange fruits and vegetables which are high in vitamin C, iron and antioxidants. Mangoes also help in digestion and treats anemia.
Mangoes are the most popular fruit in the world for their taste, flavour and nutritional values. A mango whose scientific name is magnifera indica belongs to the cashew family Ancardiaceae. Mangoes are originated in South Asia and India over 4000 years ago. Mangoes are called as the king of fruits due to its unique taste, high nutritional values and health benefits. Mango is the national fruit of India. Summer is the season of fresh and juicy mangoes. Mangoes acts as coolant agent and mangoes have vitamins and minerals that help in treating dehydration problems in summer.

In India different types or varieties of mangoes are available like Alphonso, Banginapally, Chausa, Dussehri, Kesar, Langra, Totapuri, Himsagar and Kishan Bhog. Each variety or type has a different and unique texture and flavour.
Mangoes are rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, and iron are present in mangoes. Good amount of Vitamins are there in mangoes like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin K and other B vitamins. Mangoes are rich in fibrepolyphenols, carotenoids, omega-3 and contain low calories. Mangoes are good food for all age groups starting with children to elder people. Mangoes are also useful for diabetic people in moderate amounts. Kids love eating mangoes and mango milkshakes, including mangoes in their diet helps to improve their health and immunity.

Benefits of Mangoes :

Mangoes for improving memory
Mangoes contain glutamine acids which help to keep cells active and improve memory. Including mangoes in diet help to maintain adequate level of glutamine acid in kids which improve brain functions and memory. Mangoes help children with lack of concentration by improving memory.
Vitamin B6 present in mangoes helps in improving brain function by maintaining efficient nervous system. Vitamin B6 is known as energy booster, it controls stress and enhance mood.
Mangoes boosts immune system
Mangoes contain vitamin A, vitamin C and carotenoids which are helpful in boosting immune system. Mangoes contain 25 different types of carotenoids which improves immune system. Carotenoids are well known for their antioxidant qualities which protect our body and health. Vitamin C present in mangoes is also an antioxidant which improves our immune system. Vitamin A present in mangoes supports proper bone growth and good health.
Mangoes promotes good eye sight
Vitamin A and vitamin E in mangoes are very helpful for good eyesight. Mangoes help to protect your eye from problems like dryness of the eye, night blindness, softening of the cornea, refractive errors, itching and burning in the eye. One cup of mango pieces provides 25% of daily recommended level of vitamin A which is required for good vision. Mangoes are also good source of lutein and zeaxanthin which are helpful in treating the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Mangoes are good source of these vision promoting nutrients which improves eye health.
Mangoes benefits our health by helps in digestion, good for heart, treat cancers, treats anemia, weight gain, controls cholesterol and also beneficial for skin.

Health Tips

Know About Yoga

Describe about yoga :

The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word Yuj, which means to join or to unite. Yoga is a 5000 to 10,000 year old Indian body of knowledge. It is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines which includes meditation, breath work, lifestyle and behaviour principles, and physical exercise. Yoga means union of individual soul or consciousness with universal consciousness, goal of yoga is moksha. It is a popular way to increase flexibility, gain strength, and reduce stress. Yoga is not of beliefs or not a religion but it is a system or practical aid of techniques and guidance to improve living. Continuous practice of yoga makes body stronger and flexible; it improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and hormonal systems.

Swami Vivekananda is the first Hindu teacher who introduced yoga to the west in 19th century. The ancient rishi patanjali formalized yoga into eightfold path of yoga and his writings are called yoga sutras. In early Sanskrit texts such as Vedas and Upanishads yoga is explained as a means of access to the Divine and a way to connect the earthly form with the spiritual form.

Benefits of yoga :

Yoga has become very popular not only in our country but also in many other parts of the world as Yoga specifically means a connection of body and mind. Yoga is a great tool for staying physically, mentally and spiritually healthy. It helps in better functioning of all systems of body. Yoga is suitable and practiced by all age groups. Benefits of yoga include

  • Increased flexibility
  • Maintains a balanced metabolism and helps in weight loss
  • Builds muscle strength and improves bone health
  • Stress and pain relief
  • Improves respiration and energy
  • Lowers sugar and cholesterol
  • Relaxes your system and improves your balance
  • Releases tensions in limbs and maintains nervous system
  • Improves immunity
  • Control diseases (heart diseases, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and diabetes )
    Improves emotional health (mood, anxiety, depression, concentration, self control and positive outlook)
  • Improves gastrointestinal functions
  • Eliminates constipation
  • Inner peace and calm
  • Heals back pain
  • Reduces symptoms of diseases (asthma, arthritis, cancer, migraines, sciatica and menopause )
  • Better breathing
  • Fights food cravings
  • Delay aging and gives glowing skin.

Tips to perform yoga :

Few tips to keep in mind to perform yoga

  • Choose a convenient time
  • Choose a comfortable place
  • Practice on light or empty stomach
  • Take experts help to learn yoga
  • Dress comfortably
  • Warm up before doing yoga
  • Be regular with your yoga
  • Start with easy asanas in the beginning
  • Balance the posture with relaxation.

If you have any health problems, discuss with the training experts to avoid complications or injuries. Do as much as you comfortably can. As you complete your yoga asana practice, it is good to relax for five minutes than going out in a hurry.

Exercises Health Tips

Benefits of Exercises

Explain about exercises?

Exercise is a physical activity that is planned, structured to improve physical fitness, overall health and wellness. Exercise helps to lose weight and decrease the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes and obesity. Exercise is useful in control depression levels, heart diseases and osteoporosis. Exercise can manage energy levels and improves mood. Exercise is done for various reasons like strengthening muscles, cardiovascular system, diabetes and obesity. By exercising daily we can lead an active life which makes our heart healthier and stronger.

Here are some simple and easy exercises which we can do to keep our body fit and healthy are

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Push ups
  • Squats
  • Crunches
  • Yoga
  • Chinese martial arts
  • lunges

Different types of exercise for maintaining good health :

There are four types of exercises. Each type of exercise is important in its own way, and doing all four types is the way to maximize your fitness. Four types of exercise are

  • Aerobic exercise
  • Strength exercise
  • Balance exercise
  • Flexibility exercise.

Aerobic exercises like brisk walking. Jogging, dancing and swimming increase your breathing and heart rate. They keep heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy and control disease like, type 2 diabetes, high Bp and may even lower the risk of cancer. This exercise helps to carry out your everyday activities easily.
Strength exercises like weight lifting and using your own body weight makes muscle strong. These exercises are called strength training or resistance training.
Balance exercises like standing in one foot, heel to toe walk and Chinese martial arts help control the problem in elder people. It improves your ability to control and stabilize your body’s position. These exercises are helpful for everyone including people who gained weight and pregnant women.
Flexibility exercises like shoulder stretch; upper arm stretch, calf stretch and yoga stretch your muscles and improve your range of motion at your joints. They improve flexibility and reduce risk of injury during other activities.
Practicing any one type of exercise is not useful for overall health. One should include all four types of exercises in their workouts, or can combine exercises together like doing strength and balance exercises together.

Benefits of exercises :

Regular exercise is important for happy and healthy lifestyle. Everyone from children to elder people gets benefited from exercise. Exercise boosts mood and wellbeing. Some important benefits of exercise are

  • Controls weight
  • Reduce risk of heart diseases, cancers and diabetes
  • Avoids constipation and heals digestion problems
  • Controls stress levels, depression and improve mood and overall wellbeing
  • Improves physical strength and fitness
  • Boost happiness levels
  • Helps children maintain healthy weight and height
  • Keeps muscles, bones and joints strong
  • Keep our brain healthy and improve memory
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Increase strength and flexibility
  • Increase self confidence and improves performance at work
  • Gives fresh and glowing skin.
Avocado Health Tips

12 Amazing Benefits of Avocado

History of Avocado :

Avocados are stone fruit, botanically a large berry containing one single seed. They have a green skinned, fleshy body, it may be pear or egg shaped. Avocado is the fruit of Avocado tree called persea Americana. It is defined as a member of flowering plant family. Avocados which have a creamy texture are also known as alligator pear or a butter fruit. They are cultivated in warm and Mediterranean climates throughout the world. Most of the fruits consist of carbohydrates whereas Avocados are high in healthy fats that help to control bad cholesterol. Avocados are high nutrient food, consist of 73% water and have nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. Including Avocados in diet gives numerous health benefits and reduces risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Nutrients present in Avocado :

Avocados are high nutrient food; it has 20 vitamins and minerals.

  • Avocados are high in vitamins and minerals- Avocados are good sources of vitamins B, C and E. Calcium, manganese, zinc, magnesium and iron.
  • Avocados contains more potassium
  • Avocados are high in healthy fatty acids
  • Avocados are high in fibre
  • Avocados are loaded with powerful antioxidants
  • Avocados contain phytosterols, flavonoids and carotenoids.

Amazing health benefits of Avocado :

Including Avocados in diet help to reduce risk of lifestyle related health conditions, risk of heart diseases and overall mortality. Here are some important health benefits of Avocados
Avocados for heart– Avocados are excellent source of heart healthy monosaturated fatty acids that are easily burned for energy and controls cholesterol levels. Its high fat and low sugar content helps to control weight and improves heart health.
Avocados reduce BP and Kidney failure– avocados are very high in potassium, intake of potassium reduces high BP and support healthy levels. High potassium intake reduces the risk of kidney failure.
Avocados in weight loss– Avocados are loaded with fibre, it is very helpful in reducing sugar levels in blood and helps in weight loss and maintaining healthy weight.
Avocado for vision and macular degeneration– avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin. They provide antioxidant protection to minimize damage to the tissues in the eyes.Beta-carotene from avocados helps to reduce the risk of age related macular degeneration.
Avocados helps for cancer– Avocados are power house of nutrition’s like carotenoids, vitamin E, lutein, glutathione and oleic acid, these acts as cancer fighters. Avocados help in stopping the growth of cancer by supporting body’s natural defence mechanism.
Reduces symptoms of arthritis– Extracts from avocado and soybean oil can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
Beneficial for pregnant women– Avocados contain high folic acid, vitamin B and vitamin K, these are very helpful for pregnant women. These helps in controlling birth defects.
Avocados is good for liver diseases– Avocados contain healthy fats, vitamin C, E and K, and ability to produce glutathione antioxidant. These are helpful to figh against liver damages.
Avocados for dental care– Consumption of avocado bring back freshness in your breath by killing bacteria in mouth.
Avocados are also helpful in improving digestion; lower the risk of depression, helps in natural detoxification and protects from chronic diseases.

Health Tips Watermelon

Know the Benefits of Watermelon

Know About Watermelon ?

Watermelon a summer fruit which contains over 90% of water along with nutrients and it also provides several health benefits by improving immunity and treats dehydration, cholesterol and so on.

Watermelon is a trailing vine from the family cucurbitaceae. Its scientific name is citrullus vulgaris. Watermelons are originated in Africa several thousand years ago. Watermelon is a large fruit with a smooth hard rind which is green with dark green stripes or yellow spots and has many seeds which can soft and white or hard and black in colour. Watermelons contain over 90% of water. Now a day’s seedless watermelons are available with only soft and white seeds. Different varieties of watermelons are developed with different shapes, colour and characteristics. Watermelons are consumed as fresh diced pieces, as desert, as juice, can be stir fried and also used for making pickles.

Nutrition Facts of Watermelon :

Watermelons contain over 92% of water along with important nutrients and are juicy and refreshing. Watermelon contains very few calories. Watermelons contain electrolytes and water which helps to beat summer thirst.
Watermelons contain essential vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and vitamin B1. Vitamin A and C contribute to healthy skin, hair and promotes proper vision. Watermelons contain important minerals like potassium, copper and iron. Potassium in watermelons helps to control Bp. Watermelon contains important nutrient like lycopene, it acts as an antioxidant. Watermelons are low in sodium and are high in sodium and dietary fibre. It contains phytonutrient like amino acid and citrulline .
Watermelon contains carbohydrates that are simple sugar like glucose, fructose and sucrose and are also high in carotenoids, including beta-carotene and lycopene.

Benefits of Eating Watermelon :

The amazing health benefits of water melon are
Dehydration– Watermelon contains 92% water and full of electrolytes, it keeps us hydrated in summer and makes us feel full.
Cancer– Watermelon contains antioxidants like vitamin C, lycopene and other individual plant compounds helps to treat the formation of free radicles and lower the risk of some cancers.
Improve digestion and treats constipation- Including vegetables and fruits rich in water and fibre helps your digestive tract and treat constipation.
Lowers inflammation– Watermelons are rich in anti inflammatory antioxidants like lycopene and vitamin C. These helps to lower inflammation and oxidative damage.
Improve heart health– Watermelon contains high level of lycopene, citrulline and arginine, which are good for heart as these helps improve flow and control excess fat.
Benefits your skin and hair– Vitamin A and vitamin C present in watermelon are important for skin and hair health. These vitamins keep your skin healthy and hair strong.
Watermelons are rich in antioxidants which help to slow down the skin aging, protect skin from sun damage, moisturise the skin and gives fresh and young look.
Muscle soreness- Watermelon and watermelon juice helps to control muscle soreness as they contain citrulline.
Controls BP– Watermelon intake treat hypertension and controls Bp.
Improves eye health– Watermelon protect against macular degeneration and control night blindness. Beta carotene in watermelon is converted into vitamin A produce pigments in the retina of the eye and improves eye health.
Watermelon help in controlling body fat, supports immune system, protect from sunstroke, improves bone health, treats kidney disorders, promote sexual health, good for diabetes.