Health Tips Hepatitis Liver

Types of Hepatitis and Its Effects

Need to know about Hepatitis: Causes, Types, and Effects

Hepatitis disorder, as we all know it is the inflammation of liver tissues. Our liver performs several crucial functions in our body like producing bile, filters and removes toxins from our body, stores vitamins, minerals and glycogen, and so on. All the above functions of the liver get disrupted due to Hepatitis and lead to several health issues. Hepatitis adversely affects liver health and leads to complications like liver damage, liver cancer, and cirrhosis (irreversible scarring of the liver). In this article let us learn about the overview, types and also about the tips to avoid hepatitis problem.

Hepatitis Problems

Hepatitis Overview

  • Hepatitis can be both acute and chronic and is caused due to several factors like infections (caused due by viruses, bacteria, fungus, and other parasites) and other factors like excess alcohol intake and immune system disorders.
  • Autoimmune hepatitis is a condition where our own immune system attacks liver tissues and it is more commonly seen in women than in men.
  • Few people with hepatitis may not have any symptoms, but others might experience symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite, fever, body ache, dark-colored urine, stomach pain, jaundice, and so on.
  • In few cases, acute hepatitis gets resolved on its own, and in severe cases, it leads to chronic hepatitis.
  • In long run, if not diagnosed properly or in severe cases chronic hepatitis leads to liver failure.
  • People with chronic hepatitis do not experience any early symptoms until their liver stops working or gets damaged.
  • Hepatitis is easily transmitted from one person to another through contaminated food, intercourse, contact with infected body fluids, and so on.

Types of Hepatitis

Hepatitis is classified into two types namely infectious and non-infectious. Viral infection hepatitis is classified into different types like

  • Hepatitis A– Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is the main culprit for hepatitis A and is transmitted through contaminated food and water. It is an acute disorder and people can easily recover from it.
  • Hepatitis B– This type is caused due to hepatitis B virus (HBV). Contact with body fluids that are containing or infected with HBV can cause Hepatitis B. Sharing things with an infected person can trigger the risk of hepatitis B. This type can further become chronic in long run and lead to liver damage.
  • Hepatitis C– This type gets transmitted when a non-infected person comes in contact with an infected person’s body fluids. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) can cause this type of hepatitis. People with this typeface long term infections.
  • Hepatitis D– This disease is caused due to hepatitis D virus (HDV). It is transmitted from mother to child and also through intercourse with the infected person.
  • Hepatitis E– It is a water-borne disease caused due to hepatitis E virus (HEV). It usually spreads through consuming contaminated water and food.

Other types of non-infectious hepatitis are caused due to factors like excess alcohol consumption, excess usage of therapies, autoimmune disorders, and so on.

How to avoid Hepatitis?

Individuals can avoid Hepatitis, by following few safety tips like

  • Maintaining hygiene and washing your hands frequently
  • Avoiding contact with infected persons, their body fluids, faces, and so on.
  • Practicing safe and protected intercourse
  • Avoid sharing things with infected persons.
  • Getting vaccinated before traveling to areas where these disorders are common.
  • Avoid consuming raw or undercooked meat and vegetables.
Health Tips Liver

Liver Health and Its Benefits

Liver is one among the most crucial organs in our body. The health of liver is very important as it is responsible for several bodily functions like digestion, producing bile, proteins, and so on. It can easily get affected by unhealthy diet, excess alcohol consumption and so on. It can get infected easily and leads to several health issues like Hepatitis, liver cancer, cirrhosis and so on.

Let us know more about Liver and its health benefits.

Liver is dark reddish colored organ located on the right side of the belly and is protected by the ribs. Everything we eat, drink and the prescriptions we take all go through it. It does several important functions like cleaning bodily fluids, removing harmful chemicals, bile secretion which is useful for digesting fats, stores vitamins, iron and sugar which can be reused when required. Liver converts ammonia to urea which is very crucial in metabolism. It produces immune factors and resist our body from infections. With healthy lifestyle and diet we can improve the health of liver and safe guard it.
According to Ray Chung, MD, medical director of the liver transplant program at Massachusetts General Hospital “it is not tricky to keep your liver healthy, all it needs is healthy lifestyle”.

liver health

Tips to improve health of liver

By following few tips one can protect their liver health.

  • Avoid alcohol- Alcohol is very harmful and it can also damage the liver cells. Excess intake of alcohol leads to conditions like cirrhosis, hepatitis which are very serious and also can be life threatening.
  • Eat healthy– Healthy diet helps to improve health of the liver and also helps to control your weight and cholesterol levels. Healthy diet helps to prevent non alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Regular physical exercises are also very beneficial for healthy liver.
  • Control intake of Prescriptions– Intake of few prescriptions like painkillers, drugs and others have adverse affects on liver. It is very important to avoid unnecessary prescriptions to keep your liver healthy.
  • Prevent Hepatitis– Hepatitis can be prevented by avoiding contaminated food and drinks, contact with infected bodily fluids and so on. Jaundice is one among the symptoms of liver damage.
  • Avoid contact with toxins– Avoid contact with insecticides, cleaning products, smoking and so on to protect the liver.

In order to improve liver health include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lentils, beans, soya, nuts, avocados and also moderate amount of coffee and tea in your diet and also reduce intake of fats in your diet.

Homeopathy treatment for liver health

Homeopathy treatment for liver health works effectively by treating the underlying root cause of the problem. Homeopathy remedies for liver health are made of natural substances which are safe and non toxic. Homeopathy treatment for liver health mainly focuses on conditions which lead to liver problems like viral infections, excess intake of alcohol and so on. Homeopathy for liver health also works in preventing further cellular damage in liver. Homeopathy along with treatment for liver also provides few health tips for liver which are safe and also assist in quick recovery. Homeopathic remedies for liver health are safe and suitable for all age groups.

Health Tips Jaundice

Tips to Overcome Jaundice Disorders

About Jaundice Disorder

Jaundice is a health condition in which people face yellowing of skin and the whites of the eyes. Jaundice is also called as icterus and is mainly caused due to high or increased amount of a substance called Bilirubin. Bilirubin is a scrap product which is mixed with bile and passes out of the body as faeces and urine. If any underlying disorder leads to excess production of bilirubin or obstruct the discharge of bilirubin, then it leads to jaundice. Few underlying disorders that lead to jaundice are

  • Inflammation of liver
  • Inflammation and obstruction of bile duct
  • Hepatitis
  • Excess intake of alcohol
  • Pancreatic cancer

People with jaundice have few symptoms like yellowing of skin, eyes and other inside parts, itching of skin, pain in abdomen, fever, vomiting, weight loss, paler stool, dark colour urine and so on.

Tips to Overcome Jaundice Disorders

There are three types of jaundice namely

  • Pre-hepatic jaundice or haemolytic jaundice
  • Intra-hepatic jaundice or hepatocellular jaundice
  • Post-hepatic jaundice or obstructive jaundice
  • How it threaten to life

Jaundice can lead to several health complications due to excess amount of bilirubin. High level of bilirubin in new born babies can be life threatening as it can damage brain and spinal cord. High bilirubin also damages brain and this situation are called as bilirubin encephalopathy. High amount of bilirubin can lead to severe complication by damaging central nervous system called kernicterus. In elders jaundice it can lead to ascites (accumulation of fluid in abdomen), coagulopathy (tendency to bruise), hepatic encephalopathy (decline in brain functioning), portal hypertension and so on.

overcome Jaundice Disorders

Though jaundice is caused due to several factors, people can control and lower the risk of jaundice by making few lifestyle changes and following jaundice disorder prevention tips like

  • Maintaining healthy weight
  • Limiting the intake of alcohol
  • Avoid exposure to Hepatitis by getting vaccinated
  • Manage cholesterol levels
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat healthy and balanced diet and also fresh food
  • Drink plenty of clean purified water
  • Expose new borne babies to sun light
  • Maintain hygiene
  • Avoid oily and fried food
  • Avoid spicy food

Homeopathy Tips to Overcome Jaundice Disorders

Homeopathy health tips for Jaundice Disorders

Homeopathy treatment for jaundice disorders works very effectively by treating the root cause of the problem. Homeopathy remedies for jaundice disorders are natural, mild and they also do not have any further side effects. Homeopathy remedies for jaundice also work to treat liver disorders and aims at overall wellbeing of individuals. Homeopathy treatment for jaundice disorders is prescribed based on the signs and symptoms and also based on the individualization theory. Homeopathy doctor also provide health tips for jaundice disorders. These homeopathy tips for jaundice disorders include diet tips, exercises, avoiding alcohol and so on. These jaundice disorder tips are safe and helps in quick recovery of the individuals. Homeopathy treatment for jaundice disorders works by improving immunity and self healing process of the body.

Health Tips Hepatitis

Tips to Overcome Hepatitis

What is Hepatitis disorder?

Inflammation of liver tissue is termed as Hepatitis disorder. Liver is an important organ which helps in detoxifying chemicals, storing vitamins, secretes bile, synthesis of clotting factors and it breaks down the fats and helps producing energy. When liver gets inflamed it cannot perform its bodily functions and this leads to different problems. Hepatitis can be acute or chronic. Acute hepatitis is temporary, may also settle on its own and can also develop to long term hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis is a long term disorder, it may develop into liver failure or liver cancer. Hepatitis is mainly caused due to different viruses, excess alcohol consumption and due to auto immune system disorder. There are different types of Hepatitis like Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D and Hepatitis E.

Homeopathy tips for hepatitis disorders

Hepatitis A- hepatitis A virus (HAV) mainly causes Hepatitis A. Intake of contaminated food also leads to Hepatitis A.
Hepatitis B- it is caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), it is a chronic disorder. It easily spreads from one person to another, it can spread from mother to her new born child, sharing things with infected person and also through intercourse.
Hepatitis C- hepatitis C virus (HCV) mainly causes hepatitis C. It can spread through needles, injections and contact with infected person’s body fluids.
Hepatitis D- it is caused due to hepatitis D virus and spread through contact with infected person’s body fluids.
Hepatitis E- hepatitis E virus (HEV) causes hepatitis E. Just like hepatitis A, hepatitis E is also caused due to intake of contaminated food.

Hepatitis A and E are acute and mild, whereas Hepatitis B,C and D are chronic and may also leads to further complications.

Common symptoms of Hepatitis include fatigue, diarrheal, dark urine, fever, jaundice, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea, itchy skin, hives, yellow skin, eyes and tongue, pale stool and joint pains.

Hepatitis tips for healthy life

Getting vaccinated helps to avoid hepatitis, people with hepatitis need to make few life style changes to reduce the complications and to recover faster. Tips to overcome Hepatitis include

  • Avoid alcohol
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Include cereals, breads and grains in diet
  • Drink plenty of purified water
  • Take small portions of food
  • Have no fat or low fat dairy products
  • Avoid salty food
  • Maintain healthy weight and control stress
  • Avoid fried, processed and fatty foods.

Homeopathy tips for hepatitis disorders

Homeopathy for hepatitis is very effective, it works as both preventive and curative treatment. Homeopathic remedies for hepatitis controls the symptoms and improve overall wellbeing of individuals. Homeopathic remedies for hepatitis are made of natural substances, they are safe, side effects free and are suitable to all age groups. Homeopathy for hepatitis is prescribed based on symptoms and theory of individualization. Homeopathy aims to treat the diseases by improving immunity. Homeopathy provides hepatitis relief tips through running and healthy diet. Homeopathy controls the symptoms and also provides relief from pain and discomfort.