Health Tips Homeopathy

Homeopathy Treatment

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a holistic system of natural treatment or alternative treatment. Homeopathy is developed by Samuel Hahnemann a German physician at the end of 18th century. Homeopathy treatment is based on the principle Like Cures Like i.e. in easy words a substance capable of developing disease in a healthy person can also cure similar symptoms in sick person. Homeopathy believes that when a person gets sick his whole body, mind and spirit gets affected. Homeopathy treats an individual as a whole, not just focussing and treating the particular disease. Homeopathy treatment aims to improve body’s normal healing system and immune system to avoid occurrence of disease in future. Homeopathy uses natural substances made out of plants, vegetables, minerals and animals in treatment. Homeopathy remedies are in the form of pills and liquid mixtures that are made of natural substances. As homeopathy uses natural substances in treatment, it is safe, painless, non addictive and has no side effects. Homeopathy is suitable for all age groups from children to elders. Homeopathy treatment is safe and gentle but very effective when compared to other conventional treatments.

Homeopathy treatment is prescribed based on the symptoms of the individual as it is based on the principle of symptom similarity. Homeopathy treatment is completely based on three principles, they are

  • Likes cure likes
  • The minimum dose
  • The single remedy

Homeopathy offers treatment based on symptoms, past medical history and personal examination. Though different people have different symptoms, a professional homeopath prescribes exact and accurate treatment to the patients.

History of Homeopathy :

Homeopathy is introduced by Samuel Hahnemann a German physician at the end of 18th century. Homeopathy though introduced in 18th century but it got popularity in 19th century. In 19th century homeopathy was introduced to United States by student of Hahnemann called Hans Birch Gram. In 19th century many homeopathic institutions were developed in Europe and United States. Homeopathy got introduced to India in 1835 by Dr. John Martin Honigberger a Romanian.

Homeopathy Benefits :

Homeopathy treatment is very beneficial for all age groups including children to aged people. It treats a wide range of long term illness, diseases and infections and helps to lead happy and healthy life. Homeopathy is gentle, effective and gives long lasting results without any side effects. It treats almost all diseases, infections and other illness. It is very effective in treating reoccurring and chronic diseases like allergies, asthma, sinusitis, psoriasis, rheumatism and many others and helps patients to get relief. Homeopathy is also very good in treating skin and hair problems. Homeopathy is very effective in treating female disorders like hormonal problems, PCOS, ovarian cysts, infertility, menstruation problems and many more. Homeopathy is also very good for children, it improves immune system and helps children to fight against flu, cold, diseases and other seasonal infections. Homeopathy is very efficient in treating health problems in men like erectile dysfunction, low libido and many more. Homeopathy is very beneficial and helps people live healthy and happy life by providing overall wellbeing.

Skin Disorders Treatments

Common Types of Skin Disorders

About Skin :

Skin is the largest organ of human body, which covers our full body. Skin protects our internal organs, muscles and bones and allows us to have a sense of touch and outer atmosphere. Skin acts as a protecting shield for our body. it protects us from high temperatures, Sunlight, excess water loss, dust and chemicals. Skin is made of three layers, they are

Epidermis– It is the first and outer most layer of the skin, which we can see. It contains keratinocytes, new cells are formed at the bottom of epidermis. It creates our skin tone and helps in regulating body temperature. Skin colour is created by cells called melanocytes.
Dermis– It consists of epithelial tissue and protects our body from stress and strain. It contains nerve endings, oil glands and sweat glands.
Hypodermis– It is the third layer and it is also called subcutaneous layer. It is made of fat and connective tissues; it helps our body stay worm and absorbs shocks.
Symptoms like redness, swelling, itching, rashes are treated as skin disorders. Common causes of skin disorders are bacteria in skin pores, viruses, fungus and allergies.

Different types of Skin Disorders :

Skin disorders can be temporary or long lasting. Temporary skin disorders may be the result of contact with chemicals or other irritating materials. Temporary skin problems include contact dermatitis, keratosis pilaris, stretch marks due to pregnancy and sunburn or tanning. In temporary skin disorders skin becomes red, itchy and inflamed. Long lasting skin disorders may be due to genetical disorders. Some common skin disorders are

  • Warts
  • Impetigo
  • Cutis laxa
  • Dyshidrotic eczema
  • Fungal nail infection
  • Eczema
  • Mouth ulcers
  • scabies
  • Shingles.
  • Skin cancer
  • Lupus
  • Acne
  • Hemangioma of skin
  • Cold sore
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Hives
  • Vitiligo

Skin disorders in children may be due to diaper (diaper dermatitis). There are four types of dermatitis, they are- irritant contact dermatitis, overgrowth of yeast, allergic contact dermatitis and inflammatory skin conditions.

How it affect our Lifestyle?

Skin disorder may result in psychological consequences that affect person’s lives. Skin disorders reduce the quality of life. Some common affects of skin disorders include

  • Feeling depressed
  • Sleep disturbances, fatigue
  • Loss of motivation and have lower estimation
  • Feeling anxious about people judging them
  • Not attending social interactions or gatherings
  • Feel ashamed about their condition
  • Feelings of guilt

Young people with skin disorders are facing mental and physical health problems.

Homeopathy for Skin Diseases :

Homeopathy remedies is very effective in treating skin diseases. Homeopathy is a type of therapy in which skin diseases are treated with minimal doses of natural substances, which treat the cause of skin disorders without any side effects. Homeopathy treatment in skin diseases not only focuses on type of skin but also analyse complete mind and genetic factors and immune system. Homeopathy don’t believe in treating skin disorders by ointments and creams. But, it prefers oral substance, which go inside the body and treats the cause of skin disorders.