Health Tips Stress

How to be Stress Free to Enjoy Healthy Life

Stress is a physical pressure or mental tension or worry caused by several problems. One feels tensed or nervous under stress. Stress is the feeling of pressure and body’s response to it. Stress is a threat or problem, if anything happens instantly people feels stressed. Sudden, good or bad experiences may cause stress and lead to many personal, financial, social, physical and emotional problems like anxiety, depression, headache, hypertension and so on. Stress effects body, mind, behaviour and thinking. Becoming moody, low self esteem, frustration, depression, nausea, upset stomach, body pains, increased heart beat, sweating, insomnia and nervousness are some common signs and symptoms of stress. Stress in employees leads to lack of concentration, reduced productivity, difficulty in making decisions and social withdrawal.

Ways to control Stress and to be Stress Free :

To control and manage stress one should be healthy and should relax both body and mind. Here are few ways to control and manage stress, they are
Healthy diet– having good healthy diet is a good defence against stress, it helps to relieve stress and reduce tension. By controlling or avoiding alcohol and caffeine consumption one can manage stress and can be healthy. Using these to control stress may lead to long term health problems. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein help you to feel better and control mood swings. Do not skip meals as it makes stress symptoms worse like headache, tension and so on.
Exercise daily– exercise reduces your stress, makes your body and mind feel relaxed and better. Exercise like walking, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, stretching’s, massage, dancing, swimming and running helps to relieve stress. Exercise improves overall health, it increase the production of endorphins which controls stress and gives a feeling of overall wellbeing and improves confidence. Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises plays a very crucial role in controlling and relieving stress. Swimming is the best way to release stress and keeps you fresh.
Get enough sleep– sleep and stress are connected to each other, inadequate sleep causes stress, irritability and depression. Good sleep is very important to manage stress. Breathing exercises, meditation, yoga help to treat sleeping disorders and with good enough sleep one can manage stress levels.
Eliminate triggers– understand your stress triggers to manage stress. Knowing your stress triggers and avoiding those helps in controlling stress. Avoid your personal emotional triggers as they influence your behaviour. Keeping a journal, challenging yourself and developing a strong support system helps to manage your emotional triggers.
Make time for hobbies– go easy on yourself, take a break, make time for yourself and for your hobbies to keep aside stress. In this modern busy life you need to chill out and relax yourself as these will make you feel good and gives energy. Make time for hobbies like singing, dancing, listening to music, spend time in nature, reading, playing games, knitting, painting and watching movies. These hobbies helps to increase endorphins and keeps stress away.

PCOS Treatments

Major effects of PCOS in women’s life

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a common problem seen in women of reproductive age. It is a condition of hormonal imbalance in women i.e. estrogens and progesterone are out of balance. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome effects women’s ovaries work i.e. ovaries regularly don’t release eggs (ovulation). Women facing polycystic ovary syndrome are at a high risk of health complications like hypertension, heart attack, diabetes, sleeping disorders and cancers. Genetics (family history), lifestyle, weight are the main causes of PCOS in women. Women with overweight have hormonal imbalance and faces PCOS problem. Unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle as late work hours, stress also play major role in developing PCOS in women.


Common symptoms of PCOS :

PCOS symptoms are caused due to high androgens (male hormones) in the body. Symptoms and their severity change from one person to another. Most important symptom of PCOS is irregular menstrual periods. Some common symptoms of PCOS include

  • Irregular periods
  • Weight gain
  • Infertility
  • Hair loss or hair thinning
  • Acne
  • Hirsutism (excessive hair growth on face, chest and other parts of body)
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Depression

Women with PCOS faces several health problems like mood swings, sleeping disorders, high cholesterol, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, headaches and other problems. Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome grow small cysts on their ovaries and may lead to health problems.

Ways to protect us from PCOS :

PCOS can be treated as there are many different ways to control symptoms of PCOS; there is no permanent cure for PCOS. PCOS treatment helps to manage the conditions and prevent complications. Women can control PCOS by following few tips like

  • Healthy diet
  • Exercise
  • Yoga
  • Controlling stress
  • Stop smoking
  • Medication
  • Taking birth control pills if necessary by consulting experts

If PCOS is not treated properly it may lead to several health complications. Women with PCOS are three times high at risk of endometrium cancer. With healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, controlling stress and weight women can control the symptoms, reverse PCOS and protect ourselves from PCOS and its long run complications. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome may also suffer from PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) i.e. multiple cysts on their ovaries.

Will homeopathy works to treat PCOS?

Homeopathy treatment for PCOS is very effective and it is the best alternative to treat PCOS problems. Homeopathy treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome is a safe and natural treatment and shows remarkable results in treating PCOS. Homeopathy uses pills and liquids which are prepared by using plants, vegetables and minerals. As they are natural homeopathy treatment for PCOS has no side effects compared to other treatments and is very useful for women. PCOS treatment in homeopathy not only treats PCOS and its symptoms but also treats person as whole and gives positive results. Homeopathy treatment for PCOS treats root cause of the problem. Pulsatilla, Apis mellifica, sepia, conium, graphites and Lachesis are the few used to treat PCOS problems in homeopathy.

Cardamom Health Tips

Surprising Benefits of Cardamom

Do you know the sweet smelling and flavour full cardamom presents us with several health benefits. Cardamom helps to treat constipation, asthma, controls stress, controls hypertension, cures urinary tract infections and many more.

Cardamom is a spice that comes from seeds of various plants from the zingiberaceae family. Scientific name of green cardamom is Elettaria cardamomum. Cardamom is native to India. Today they are available in many places like China, Bhutan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Korea, and Japan. Cardamom is considered as one of the oldest spices of world. Cardamom is called as the queen of spices and it is one of the most expensive spices in the world. Cardamom when not stored properly loses its aroma. There are two types of cardamoms available, they are green cardamom and black cardamom.


Green cardamom– Its scientific name is elettaria cardamomum, it has a green shell and small black seeds inside. It is also called true cardamom.
Black cardamom– it is also called as brown cardamom, hill cardamom, Bengal cardamom and Nepal cardamom. Its scientific name is Amomum subulatum. It has a smoky character derived from drying.
Cardamoms in India are also known as choti elaichi, elaichi in hindi and yalakulu in telugu. Cardamom is commonly used in Indian cooking, it has a strong, unique sweet and spicy taste, with an aromatic, resinous fragrance. Green and black cardamom both are widely used in sweets, savory dishes, spice mixes, in masala curries, beverages, baking sweets, bread, wine and garnishing. Cardamoms are also used in beauty products like perfumes, soaps, body wash and powders.

Usage of Elaichi and Nutrition Facts :

Elaichi or cardamom are widely used in Indian cooking, they give aroma, taste, and flavour to the dishes. They are also used in sweets, garam masala powder, beverages and baking. Elaichi can be used in the form of whole and powdered form. Elaichi’s are also used in perfumes due to their aroma. Along with cardamom, Cardamom oil is also used in remedies, it has healing properties.
Nutrition facts– cardamom contains vitamins, minerals and micronutrients that are useful for health. It contains vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin and riboflavin. Cardamoms are rich in minerals like calcium, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium and manganese. Cardamom is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and is good source of dietary fibre. Elaichi also have antiseptic, antioxidant and stimulant properties.

Health Benefits of Cardamom :

Cardamom offers a number of health benefits like
Improves digestion– Elaichi helps speed up the process of digestion as it is carminative in nature; it reduces inflammation, relieves acidity, nausea and improves appetite.
Detoxification– Our body release toxins in the process of metabolism, cardamom is a great purifier and removes toxins and waste through kidneys.
Beats bad breath– Strong flavour, pleasant smell of cardamom helps to beat bad breath by killing germs that cause bad breath.
Controls heart rate– Elaichi are packed with vitamin, minerals that are good for our heart. Potassium in elaichi helps to treat and control BP.
Cold and flu– Elaichi contain vitamin C which improve immunity and treats cold and flu.
Some other health benefits of cardamom are it has anti inflammatory, anti asthmatic properties, treats depression, treats sore throat. Good for skin in many ways like it improves complexion, sooths, clears and treats allergies.

Eggplant Health Tips

Skin benefits of Eggplant

Eggplant provides several health benefits like preventing osteoporosis, controlling anemia, reducing stress, controlling diabetes and so on along with flawless glowing skin.

Eggplant is a vegetable whose scientific name is solanum melongena, it is a species of solanaceae or nightshade family of genus solanum. Eggplant is also known as aubergine, melongene, garden egg, brinjal, guinea squash and nasubi. Eggplant is an edible fruit, it is known for its deeply purple, glassy skin, unique taste and texture. It is widely used in different cuisines and is available throughout the year. Eggplant is related to tomato and potato as these vegetables belong to nightshade family. Different varieties of eggplants are available like graffiti eggplant, Japanese and Chinese eggplant, fairytale eggplant, Italian eggplant, Indian eggplant, white eggplant, little green eggplant etc. All varieties differ slightly in taste and texture.

Eggplants are native to India and are cultivated in India and China since prehistory. In the beginning eggplants were used in remedies rather than in culinary. There is some written evidence that describes health benefits of eggplant written back 100 BC. In India eggplant is called as king of vegetables as it is versatile, delicious and healthy vegetable.

Nutritional Facts of Brinjal :

Brinjal is good for health as it is low in calories, fat, high in fibre, loaded with vitamins, minerals and other health promoting compounds. Brinjal contains vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. It is also rich in folates, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamin. It also contain low amount of vitamin A. All these vitamins are important for our body to improve immunity, digestion and metabolism.
Brinjal contains important minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc that are essential to do different body functions and important for building bones, muscles, nerve function and metabolic process. Brinjal also contains compounds like chlorogenic acid, anthocyanins and nasunin.

Health Benefits of Brinjal :

Brinjal with important nutrients provide numerous health benefits.
Brain food– phytonutrients present in brinjal protects cell membranes from damage, promotes blood flow throughout the brain, boosts cognitive activity and general mental health.
Fights cancers– eggplant contains vitamin C, antioxidants and polyphenols that strengthens immune system, have anticancer properties, protects cells from free radicals and treat tumor growth.
Digestion and weight lose– brinjals are low in calories and rich in fibre which helps in weight lose. It gives feeling of satiety and treat overeating. Fibre improves digestion and regular movement of bowels.
Good for liver health– eggplants helps to increase the production of bile in liver and treat the chance of liver failure.
Improves bone health– nutrients like iron, calcium, copper, vitamin K and potassium present in brinjal helps in providing strong and healthy bones. Eggplant helps in treating osteoporosis and improves overall bone health.
Good for diabetes– eggplants are low in carbohydrates and has high fibre which controls the absorption of glucose and regulates sugar levels.
Good for skin and hair– nutrients present in brinjal are good for both skin and hair. It gives soft, glowing skin, and promotes anti aging properties. Brinjal keeps our scalp healthy and promotes hair growth.
Some other eggplant health benefits are treated allergies, improves vision, treats migraines, headaches, good for pregnant women and treats anemia.

Fruits Health Tips

Health benefits of Mangoes

Mangoes are the all time favourites for all age groups from children to elders. They belong to the yellow and orange fruits and vegetables which are high in vitamin C, iron and antioxidants. Mangoes also help in digestion and treats anemia.
Mangoes are the most popular fruit in the world for their taste, flavour and nutritional values. A mango whose scientific name is magnifera indica belongs to the cashew family Ancardiaceae. Mangoes are originated in South Asia and India over 4000 years ago. Mangoes are called as the king of fruits due to its unique taste, high nutritional values and health benefits. Mango is the national fruit of India. Summer is the season of fresh and juicy mangoes. Mangoes acts as coolant agent and mangoes have vitamins and minerals that help in treating dehydration problems in summer.

In India different types or varieties of mangoes are available like Alphonso, Banginapally, Chausa, Dussehri, Kesar, Langra, Totapuri, Himsagar and Kishan Bhog. Each variety or type has a different and unique texture and flavour.
Mangoes are rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, and iron are present in mangoes. Good amount of Vitamins are there in mangoes like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin K and other B vitamins. Mangoes are rich in fibrepolyphenols, carotenoids, omega-3 and contain low calories. Mangoes are good food for all age groups starting with children to elder people. Mangoes are also useful for diabetic people in moderate amounts. Kids love eating mangoes and mango milkshakes, including mangoes in their diet helps to improve their health and immunity.

Benefits of Mangoes :

Mangoes for improving memory
Mangoes contain glutamine acids which help to keep cells active and improve memory. Including mangoes in diet help to maintain adequate level of glutamine acid in kids which improve brain functions and memory. Mangoes help children with lack of concentration by improving memory.
Vitamin B6 present in mangoes helps in improving brain function by maintaining efficient nervous system. Vitamin B6 is known as energy booster, it controls stress and enhance mood.
Mangoes boosts immune system
Mangoes contain vitamin A, vitamin C and carotenoids which are helpful in boosting immune system. Mangoes contain 25 different types of carotenoids which improves immune system. Carotenoids are well known for their antioxidant qualities which protect our body and health. Vitamin C present in mangoes is also an antioxidant which improves our immune system. Vitamin A present in mangoes supports proper bone growth and good health.
Mangoes promotes good eye sight
Vitamin A and vitamin E in mangoes are very helpful for good eyesight. Mangoes help to protect your eye from problems like dryness of the eye, night blindness, softening of the cornea, refractive errors, itching and burning in the eye. One cup of mango pieces provides 25% of daily recommended level of vitamin A which is required for good vision. Mangoes are also good source of lutein and zeaxanthin which are helpful in treating the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts. Mangoes are good source of these vision promoting nutrients which improves eye health.
Mangoes benefits our health by helps in digestion, good for heart, treat cancers, treats anemia, weight gain, controls cholesterol and also beneficial for skin.

Crohn’s Treatments

What is Crohn’s disease?

Explain about crohn’s disease :

Crohn’s disease is a condition that causes inflammation in the lining of the digestive system. It is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the two major types of IBD are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. It can affect different areas of the gastrointestinal tract, but mostly occurs in the last section of small intestine and large intestine. Inflammation may also go deeper into the layers of affected bowel tissue, which leads to abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, fever and

weight loss


. This disease affects both men and Women equally, it starts gradually and becomes worse over time.

Exact cause of crohn’s disease is still unknown; it is caused by combination of factors,

  • Genetic– Crohn’s disease is a type of disease that runs in the family. Genes/hereditary plays an important role in making people susceptible.
  • Immune system– When immune system tries to fight bacteria and virus, it causes immune system to attack the digestive tract.
  • Previous infection– Previous childhood infections lead to abnormal immune response and causes symptoms of crohn’s diseases.
  • Environmental factors– Bacteria, virus, antigens present in the environment along with smoking and stress leads to an abnormal immune response, inflammation and causes crohn’s disease.

Symptoms of crohn’s disease :

The most common symptoms of crohn’s disease are
Diarrhea– It is the common problem faced by the people in crohn’s disease. Frequent diarrhea is the symptom in mild to very severe cases of the disease.
Cramping and pain in abdomen– Inflammation and ulceration effects the normal movement of food through digestive tract causing cramping and pain in the abdomen.
Fever and fatigue– Due to inflammation or infection people experience low fever, low energy and may feel tired.
Loss of appetite and weight loss– Cramping and pain in abdomen, inflammation in the walls effect ability to digest and absorb food. It leads to weight loss and loss of appetite.

Some other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, joint pain and swelling, inflammation of eyes and liver and mouth ulcers.

Complications due to crohn’s disease?

Severe crohn’s disease leads to several complications like
Stricture– Inflammation of the bowel wall can lead to narrowing, blocking the passage of the intestinal contents, this is known as strictures.
Ulcers– Inflammation leads to ulcers anywhere in your digestive tract.
Fistulas– Sometimes ulcers extend completely through the intestinal walls resulting in a fistula.
Fissures– Some people develop tears in the lining of the anus called anal fissures.
Colon cancer– When crohn’s disease affects colon, it increases the risk of colon cancer.
Malnutrition– Diarrhea, cramping and pain in abdomen leads to loss of appetite and difficult for intestine to absorb enough nutrients which
result in malnutrition.

Children with crohn’s disease experience problems with their growth and development.

Homeopathy for crohn’s disease :

Homeopathy is the popular holistic system of therapy. Homeopathy treatment is very useful and safe for crohn’s diseases. Homeopathy treatment for crohn’s disease can bring relief from pain to the people and also work to treat the root cause of the disease.

Health Tips Stress

14 Ways To Avoid Stress

Explain about stress :

Stress usually refers to the psychological perception of pressure and body’s response to it. We feel stressed if anything happens suddenly or everything becomes overloaded. Stress is a challenge or threat to our well being. In our body the autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis are two major systems that respond to stress. The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) plays a crucial role in stress-related mechanisms. Causes or feel of stress differs from person to person like some experience headache, anger, depressed and others may have digestive problems and sleeplessness. Some people face and cope with stress more effectively which minimises stress effects and improves performance. Stress affects our body, mood and behaviour. Stress may be acute stress, episodic stress and chronic stress.

Causes and effects of stress on human being :

Causes of stress– Stress is caused by any stressful situations or events. Some causes of stress are
Personal problems– Problems like health issues, emotional problems, life changes, problems in relationship, arguments, bereavement, divorce and injuries plays major role in stress.
Financial problems– Loss of job and financial crisis also plays crucial role in developing stress.
Work and Social problems– Problems like insecurity of job, uncomfortable work place, heavy workload, harassment at work, thinking of promotion, misunderstandings with co workers, and long working hours are some of the work related stress usually people face.

Problems like pollution, overcrowding, traffic, environment change, responsibility increase and noisy neighbours are some of the social problems people face.

Effects of stress :

Stress effects our body, mind and behaviour. Stress if left untreated causes many health problems like high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity and diabetes. Common effects of stress are

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Sadness/depression
  • Sleeplessness
  • Lack of concentration
  • Difficulty making decision
  • Breathing problems
  • Weakness/tiredness
  • Anger, irritability
  • Social withdrawal
  • Neck, back and muscle pain
  • Anxiety
  • Abnormal heartbeat and heart diseases
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Fertility problems
  • Digestion problems
  • Faintness/dizziness
  • Sweating/ cold or sweaty hands or feet
  • Nervousness or guilty
  • Reduced work efficiency or productivity

Stress also affects our immune system which leads to frequent infections and certain cancers. Stress has direct affects on skin and can contribute to insomnia.

Tips to manage stress :

Stress affects every aspect of life, so stress management is necessary for maintaining both physical and emotional health. Some tips to manage stress are

  • Exercise daily
  • Eat well balanced meal
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breath, meditation and yoga
  • Relax your muscles by stretching and massage
  • Take deep breaths
  • Get enough sleep
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption
  • Make time for yourself and hobbies
  • Share or talk to your friends and family about your problems
  • Maintain positive attitude
  • Know what triggers your stress
  • Cultivate a sense of humor
  • Make a list of important things you need to do each day
  • Consult your doctor and take suggestions
Grapes Health Tips

Incredible Health Benefits of Grapes

Grapes are called the queen of fruits for its unique and refreshing taste, apart from taste they also contain several essential nutrients which helps in preventing diseases like heart attack, piles, hypertension, stress, high fever, liver disorders and so on.

A grape is a fruit of deciduous woody wines of the flowering plant genus vitis. Its scientific name is vitis vinifera and belongs to the vitaceae family. Grapes are versatile fruits growing in clusters on a grapevine. Grapes are called the queen of fruits and said to be the oldest cultivated fruits. The cultivation of grapes began 6000 years ago in Europe, they are native of western Asia and central Europe and now cultivated across the globe. It is referred as the fruit of wine in the Bible. Grapes are used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, vinegar and raisins. Grapes are berries with round or oval shaped and have semi translucent flesh with smooth skin. There are 15 varieties of grapes are available, some are used for making wine, raisins and some can be eaten raw as table grapes. 15 types are moon drops, concord, pinot noir, lemberger, sweet jubilee, valiant, champagne, crimson seedless, kyoho, cotton candy, Riesling, gewürztraminer, moon balls, sultana and fry muscadine. They are available in different sizes and colours like crimson, black, dark blue, pale yellow, purple, green or pink. Grapes when dried become raisins. Grapes are famous for their versatility, variety and portability. Taste, colour and size of the grapes depend on the local cultivated conditions. Wine grapes are much sweeter and juicier than the table grapes.


Vitamins and Nutrients Present in Grapes:

Grapes contain several nutrients and vitamins that are useful for our health life. Grapes are high in water and considered as low calorie food. Grapes are good source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin K. These vitamins are very helpful in repair and growth of body tissues, heals wounds.
Grapes contain phytonutrients, including phenols, polyphenols, resveratrol and carotenoids which are good for heart. Grapes are rich in minerals like copper, iron, manganese and rich in electrolytes like potassium. Grapes contain polyphenols, antioxidants and little fibre.

Incredible Health Benefits of Grapes :

Some important health benefits of grapes include
Control cancer– Grapes contain antioxidants called polyphenols; they control many type of cancers. Grapes contain anticancer agents and help to treat breast, colon, and prostate cancers.
Treats indigestion and constipation– Grapes are considered as light food, they relieve heat, treat indigestion and irritation in the stomach. Grapes contain high insoluble fibre and effective in treating constipation.
Control fatigue and anemia– Iron contents in grapes control fatigue. Grapes maintain iron and mineral levels balanced in the body and treats anemia.
Controls BP– Grapes contain potassium and polyphenol that helps to control BP. Potassium in grapes supports heart health.
Good for skin and hair– Green grapes are very good for skin, they protect our skin from sun burn, lightens scars, makes skin smooth. Green grapes are very beneficial for our skin. Vitamin C in grapes helps stop skin aging and gives fresh skin. Grapes contains vitamin C and antioxidants which are beneficial for hair, control hair fall, improves circulation in scalp and provides volume to hair.
Grapes are useful in treating Alzheimer’s disease, heals kidney disorders and also grape juice is like a home remedy for migraine, it gives relief from pain.

Cloves Health Tips

Advantages of Cloves in food

Usage of Cloves in Many Ways :

Cloves are available in two different forms like whole and in grounded form. Cloves have a very intense and strong flavour. Cloves are versatile spice and can be used in drinks, soups, baking and in both sweet and savoury dishes. Cloves also have amazing properties and are used in different remedies. Cloves have a long shelf life, can be kept for a year when stored away from light and moisture. Clove oil is very well known for its antiseptic, anesthetic, aromatic and astringent properties. Cloves are known for their aroma, we can put some cloves in a small cloth and keep in our cupboard removes odors and keeps our stuff fresh. Cloves and oil are also used in beauty products, air fresheners, in perfumes and can be used as ant repellent.
In Indonesia cloves are used in the form of clove cigarette called kretek.


Health Benefits of Cloves :

Cloves with properties provides many health benefits like
Improves digestion– Cloves help to improve digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes. Cloves also treat acidity, relaxes gastro intestinal tract and stimulates production of saliva.
Controls diabetes– Clove extracts helps to control diabetes as they tend to imitate insulin in certain ways and maintains sugar levels.
Treats tooth pain– Cloves plays an important role in treating tooth pain, provides relief to toothache caused due to root canal areas. Cloves are very useful in treating bad breath and odor.
Boost immunity– Cloves are full of minerals, vitamins and fibre. Cloves contain eugenol which helps to improve immunity.
Anti inflammatory properties– Cloves and clove oil contains anti inflammatory and pain killing properties. Clove oil is massaged to sore muscles.
Relieves stress– Consuming cloves mixed with basil, mint, cardamom and warm water relieves stress.
Treats nausea and vomiting– Cloves have aromatic and soothing properties which relieves from nausea and morning sickness.
Treat cold- Consuming cloves or clove oil with lukewarm water treats cold.
Good for bones– Cloves are great source of vitamins and minerals which helps our body to absorb calcium from food and keeps our bones healthy.

History of Cloves

Cloves are small nailed shaped aromatic flower buds of a tree that are dried, belong to the myrtaceae family. Cloves scientific name is Syzygium aromaticum. Cloves are an ancient spice native to the Maluku islands in Indonesia. The history of cloves goes back many centuries and this was the first spice traded. Archaeologists found cloves in a ceramic vessel in Syria in the year 1721 BC. Now a day’s cloves are cultivated in several different countries. Cloves have a powerful flavour among all other spices. They are pungent, strong and sweet in taste with a bitter and astringent flavour. Cloves are available throughout the year. Cloves are one of the important spices used in many cuisines like Asian, African and Middle East countries.

Eating Disorders Treatments

Eating Disorders Causes

Eating disorder is defined as abnormal eating habits, it include inadequate or excessive food intake which can damage individual’s health. Factors for eating disorders include age, family history and psychological factors. Eating disorders affect people of all ages and they are serious physical, mental and life threatening illness.


Types of Eating Disorder :

The most common eating disorders are

Anorexia nervosa- It is characterized by severe restriction of food and low body weight.
Bulimia-It is characterized by episodes of bingeing (eating a lot in a short amount of time).
Binge eating disorder (BED) – It is characterized as overweight or obese. These patients are at high risk of diabetes, high cholesterol and high BP.

What causes Eating Disorders :

The exact cause of eating disorder is not clear, but many believe that genetic, physical, social, and psychological factors play a very important role in development of eating disorder. A combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors causes eating disorders, they include
Genetics– People with parents or siblings with an eating disorder may be more likely to develop an eating disorder.
Family distress– Family’s unhealthy body image and obsession with calorie counting easily affects their son or daughter.
Sexual abuse– Sexual or physical abuse affects the psyche and self confidence of victims which leads to eating disorders.
Dieting– People who lose weight gets positive comments and appreciation from others, this may lead others to go for dieting too far which leads to eating disorders.
Mental health disorders– People with depression, anxiety and stress are more likely to have an eating disorder.
Photo shopped images– Teenagers are influenced by these photo shopped images and developing eating disorders.

Do we have any stages for this :

Before treating, there are several factors to be considered and one of those factors include the person’s stage of change. There are five different stages of change depending on the readiness, ways of thinking and acting of a patient.

  • Pre contemplation- It is a stage where patient do not realize that they have a problem, or they are not willing to admit it.
  • Contemplation- In this stage the patients are ready to realize something is wrong and are ready to admit it.
  • Preparation- In this stage individual is ready to take necessary steps to get better.
  • Action- In this stage they get treatment for eating disorders.
  • Maintenance- This is the important stage of treatment and individuals should stick to their treatment, continue the changes as part of day to day life.

Treatment for Eating Disorders :

Eating disorders are serious health condition. Through early diagnosis and proper treatment we can solve this illness. The most effective and long-lasting treatment for an eating disorder is a form of psychotherapy or psychological counselling, with careful attention to medical and nutritional needs.

Homeopathy Treatment for Eating Disorders :

Eating disorders cannot be truly treated from the outside or with special treatment. Homeopathy treatment are known to have deep affect on human economy and have been found effective in treating various disorders. Homeopathic treatment are non toxic and not addictive. Homeopathy treatment helps in breaking the binge and purge cycle.