Hair Loss Health Tips

Causes of Hair loss in Men in their 30’s medical reasons

Hair loss is the most common problem now days. But hair loss is more in men when compared to women. Hair loss can be due to several factors like unhealthy diet, genetics, anemia and thyroid disorders. Along with the above factors few others like stress, sleeping disorders, scalp psoriasis, dandruff and so on also leads to hair loss in men.

Hair is the important attractive feature in both male and female. Loss of hair from head is treated as hair loss or hair fall. Hair loss is a nightmare for both men and women, though it is a common problem faced by everyone in some point of time in their lives. Generally it is common that all individuals lose 50 to 100 strands of hair per day. Hair loss or hair fall is different in each individual depending on their lifestyle and severity. Some type of hair loss is temporary and can be cured, but some other types are irreversible and cannot be treated. Long lasting hair loss can lead to baldness in both men and women. Severe hair loss is also known as alopecia. Hair loss in an individual cannot be stopped completely but it can be managed to some extent. Hair loss is more in men when compared to women. With proper diet and lifestyle changes one can prevent hair fall.

Most of the men notice severe hair loss in their 30’s and eventually in some people it may lead to baldness. There are many types of hair loss like

  • Androgenic alopecia or patterned baldness
  • Involutional alopecia
  • Telogen effluvium
  • Alopecia areata
  • Alopecia universalis
  • Tinea capitis
  • Traction alopecia
  • Trichotillomania.

Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss seen in men. There are different types of male pattern baldness like M- shaped, O- shaped and U shaped pattern. Male pattern baldness starts in the early 30’s and lead to complete baldness. It develops gradually involving M shaped, O shaped, U shaped and in the last stage complete baldness is seen.

Causes of Hair loss :

The main cause of hair loss in men is sensitivity to male hormones called androgen in certain parts of the scalp. These hormones make hair follicles to shrink and they cannot grow hair any longer. This type of hair fall starts in men in their 30’s. Some common causes of hair fall or hair loss in men are

  • Aging
  • Genes / hereditary
  • Unhealthy food habits
  • Poor diet
  • Stress
  • Some diseases or health conditions
  • Testosterone
  • Hormones
  • Some treatments like chemotherapy
  • Lifestyle
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Scalp infections
  • Trichotillomania
  • Depression
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Lack of protein
  • Steroids
  • Use of chemical products on hair

Thinning of hair on top of head or scalp, appearance of patchy bald spots, full body hair loss, patches of scaling and heavy hair fall are the symptoms of hair loss. Male pattern boldness is sometimes linked to metabolic syndrome and people with metabolic syndrome are at high risk of heart disease. Male pattern baldness is a common part of aging in some people. Treatment is available for baldness in men but when the treatment is stopped the balding process and symptoms returns back.

Cracked Heels Treatments

Homeopathy treatment for Cracked Heels

What are Cracked Heels and how it Affects the Foot?

Cracked heels a most common condition seen in women due to dryness in feet. Not just women cracked heels are also seen in men and children. Along with cold weather, dehydration cracked heels are also caused due to several other factors like lack of hygiene, obesity, diabetes, psoriasis and thyroid disorders.

Crackling or splitting of the skin on bottom of the heels and foot are referred as cracked heels. Cracked heels are also known as heel fissures. When the skin on heels becomes dry it leads to splits and cracks. Lack of moisturization on the skin leads to cracked heels in most of the people. Heel fissure occur in both foot and heels. Cracked heels are a common foot problem faced by many people. When cracks are deep they can lead to pain, discomfort and infections. Some people may feel redness, itching, peeling skin and inflammation on the effects area. Cracked heels can occur in both men and women but it affects women more than men. Cracks become worse as they get deeper. Callus i.e. thickening of the skin also can cause cracked heels. Cracked heels look yellow and dark brown in colour across the border of the heel. Generally cracked heels can be treated by applying moisturizers, heel balms and with proper care. If the cracks are deep and are painful it is advised to visit podiatrist to avoid infections.

Causes and Symptoms of Cracked Heels :

Causes :
Increased pressure in heel area is termed as a cause of cracked heels. Some common causes of cracked heels are

  • Insufficient or lack of moisture in skin
  • Dehydration
  • callus
  • Winter weather
  • Standing for long hours
  • Walking bare foot
  • Taking hot showers
  • Usage of harsh soaps
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Genetics
  • Infections
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Psoriasis
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hormonal changes
  • Circulation problems
  • Diabetes
  • Dermatitis

Open heeled shoes, skin conditions like eczema can increase the risk of cracked heels. Excess weight, kidney diseases and poorly structured feet can also lead to cracked heel.

Symptoms :
Individuals with cracked heels may experience some signs and symptoms. Common symptoms of cracked heels or heel fissures are

  • Cracking skin
  • Peeling skin
  • Pain
  • Discomfort while walking
  • Itching
  • Inflammation
  • Redness
  • Ulceration
  • Warmth feeling
  • Loss of feeling or sensation
  • Cellulitis
  • Foot ulcers
  • Fluid discharge

Cold weather, open or thin soled shoe, heavy weight and other factors can worsen the symptoms and may lead to discharge from cracks.

Cracked Heel Occurrences and Preventions with Homeopathy

Cracked heels are indication of lack of care and attention towards foot. According homeopathy cracked heels are occurred due to several internal and external factors. Prevention of cracked heels is possible through homeopathy. Homeopathy cures cracked heels completely by treating internal factors.

Homeopathy Treatment for Cracked Heel Disorders :

Homeopathy is a good choice for treating cracked heels. Homeopathy treatment for cracked heels is very effective and eliminates the problem completely. It is a safe, painless, has no side effects and is suitable for all age groups. Homeopathy treatment prevents internal causes of cracked heels and a professional homeopath suggests tips to avoid external causes. Homeopathy provides treatment based on symptoms and individual examination. It aims to treat an individual as whole and not just treating the disease. Homeopathy improves immune system to prevent the disease in future. Homeopathy improves circulation and treats other causes of cracked heels and improves over all wellbeing. Homeopathy is a holistic and uses natural substances in healing the disorders. Cracked heel treatment in homeopathy is a mild, gentle and safe treatment and gives positive results.

Hair Loss Health Tips

Myths and Facts related with Hair Loss

Hair is the most attractive and noticeable feature of personality for both men and women. Hair improves self confidence, personality, attractiveness and performance. Hair loss refers to loss of hair from our body i.e. head. Hair loss is the leading problem faced by both man and women due to stress, work timings, pollution, lifestyle, environment and many other factors. It can also be caused due to hormonal changes, hereditary, treatments and diseases. There are many types of hair loss conditions, some can be temporary and others can last longer. Diseases like thyroid, alopecia, cancer treatments, chemotherapy also directly affects hair loss. Hair loss cannot be stopped or controlled completely in some cases but it can be managed to certain extent. In some cases it can be treated completely. Healthy diet plays a crucial role in healthy hair and prevents hair fall. Vitamins like biotin, vitamin C, vitamin B3 and minerals like zinc and iron are very essential for healthy and longer hair. Foods like almond, avocado, salmon, eggs, dairy products are very good for hair and improve hair growth and prevent some type of hair loss. Nutrition plays a crucial role in developing healthy ha and hair.

Myths and Facts about Hair Loss :

Myth– hair loss is inherited from father or mother
Fact– one can’t estimate hair loss by looking at family history, if hair loss runs in your family, you are more likely to face the problem. If baldness runs in family, next generations are more at risk of developing baldness. Several researchers think that hair loss is caused due to several genes inherited from both the parents.

Myth– more men suffers hair loss than women
Fact– hair loss is common in both men and women. In men hair loss is more visible than in women and baldness is mostly seen in men. Women are conscious and hide hair loss when compared to men. Men have shorter hair and it is easily visible.

Myth– diet have no influence on hair loss
Fact– malnutrition, poor diet, lacking vitamins and minerals has direct impact on hair loss in few people. Poor diet in long run causes hair loss. Poor diet and Unhealthy Lifestyle causes temporary hair loss.

Myth– women only lose their when conceived or during menopause
Fact– many women experience hair lose at the time of giving birth and menopause, but women actually start experiencing the symptoms in the early age of 20’s. In women generally hair thinning starts on top of the head and spread to the entire scalp.

Myth– hair care products and conditioner causes hair loss
Fact– there is no direct connection between hair care products and hair loss, but harsh chemicals found in some hair care products may lead to hair loss. Excessive use of harsh hair treatment and conditioners can cause hair loss and heat treatments used for hair straightening can cause damage to the hair and lead to hair loss. Harsh chemicals used in gel, wax, spray may lead to baldness in some men.

Black Pepper Health Tips

Uses of Black Pepper

Explain about Black pepper?

Black pepper, the king of spices along with its strong aroma also has several nutrients like iron, several vitamins and protein. The nutrients present in black pepper provide several health benefits by controlling cholesterol, anemia, hypertension, digestion problems, body pain and diabetes. Antibiotic properties present in black pepper helps to treat bacterial infections and arthritis.
Black pepper is a common spice used in different cuisines worldwide. Its scientific name is piper nigrum; it is a flowering vine and belongs to piperaceae family. It is cultivated for fruit called peppercorn, when it is dried it turns black as black pepper. It is used as a spice in both whole and powdered form; it is also used for seasoning in various cuisines. It is native to south Indian Kerala state and it is called the king of spices. Along with its strong flavour it gives to the recipes, it is also beneficial for health. There are four varieties of peppercorns are there namely Black pepper, white pepper, green pepper and wild pepper.


Nutrient factors present in Black Pepper :

Black peppers have an interesting and impressive nutritional profile; they contain essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre which we need for healthy life. They contain vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, niacin, folate and choline. They contain high percentage of vitamin K which increases calcium absorption in bones and promotes cardiovascular health. With vitamin C and vitamin K black pepper contains anti inflammatory properties.
Black peppers contain important minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, selenium and fluoride. Black peppers are rich in iron; it is a great tool to fight with anemia. Black peppers with high manganese content they offer great antioxidant protection. Copper present in black pepper supports immunity and thyroid gland activity. Potassium helps lower Bp.
Black peppers are low in calories and contains good amount of dietary fibre. They contain high amount of anti oxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and fever reducing properties. Black pepper contains essential oils like piperine, an ammonia-derived alkaloid; these oils are also used in aromatherapy to get relief from pains.

Health benefits of Black Pepper :

Black peppers provide various health benefits like
Improves digestion and stimulate appetite– black peppers increase hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach which eases digestion and improves appetite.
Control cancers – black pepper contains piperine, vitamin C, vitamin A, flavonoids and anti oxidants that removes free radicals and protect our body from cancers.
Helps in weight loss– black peppers contain phytonutrients that encourage breakdown of fat cells and helps to lose weight.
Treats respiratory issues– black peppers breaks down the mucus stuck in the respiratory tract and helps to treat problems like sinus, cough, cold, breathing problems and asthma.
Treats diabetes– it treat type-2 diabetes with its phenolic and antioxidant content
Treats high Bp and hypertension – the piperine, phenolics and antioxidants in black pepper helps lower Bp and treats hypertension.
Control dental problems– black pepper helps fight tooth decay and provides relief from toothache. Helpful in improving dental health.
It also provides health benefits like promotes healthy hair, treats cognitive disorders, relieves gas, increases nutrient absorption, improves skin, treats ulcers, it has antibiotic properties and treats bacterial infections, boost the metabolism and benefits people suffering from rheumatism and arthritis.

Health Tips Women's health

Tips for Women’s Health

Women’s health refers to overall health of women. Health of women differs from men in many ways due to unique biological, social and behavioural conditions; some health issues in women include infertility, PCOS, urinary tract infections, menopause, and conditions of the female organs. Women’s health represents population health as the health of families and communities are tied to the health of women. Women plays different roles in her life – as a mother, as a sister, as a wife, as a friend and as a daughter. Women are busy taking care of everyone in the family and their wellbeing and health are neglected and are more likely to get health issues due to stress. Women’s life stages depend on the reproductive cycle, beginning with menstruation and ending with menopause.

Some common health problems women faces are :

  • Heart diseases
  • Cancer
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Depression
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Thyroid

Health tips for Heart :

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women. Heart attack symptoms may be different for women. The most common cause of heart disease is

  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Broken heart syndrome.

Women now days are more educated, have high career goals and high profile jobs but what they ignore the most is their health and suffers health problems. By following some health tips women can help to avoid heart attack or stroke and live healthy heart lifestyle.

Control cholesterol– Eating foods low in Tran’s fat, saturated fat, low fat dairy products and cholesterol.
Controlling blood pressure– By reducing the level of salt intake we can avoid high blood pressure.
Quit smoking– Smoking is a major risk factor of heart diseases.
Exercise– Exercise helps to maintain healthy weight, control and lowers cholesterol called triglycerides.
Healthy diet and controlling stress levels also helps reduce the risk.
Food that helps to keep our heart healthy is salmon fish, dark chocolate, walnut, garlic, olive oil, apples, oatmeal and beans.

Health tips for Body :

When women cross the age of 30 years they face problems like depression, anxiety, anemia, weight gain and weakness. By following some natural health tips women can not only maintain their good health but also their good looks.

  • Regular health checkups
  • Regular exercise
  • Avoiding/controlling stress
  • Sufficient sleep
  • Maintain healthy weight
  • Intake of calcium and iron rich food
  • Healthy diet
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

What should be included in diet for women’s health :

Eating a balanced, nutritious diet is very important for women. Women have different daily nutritional requirements when compared to men. Below are some important diet tips for women

  • Eating nutrient rich food (whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy products)
  • Iron rich food (red meat, chicken, fish, spinach, lentils, beans)
  • Boost Calcium intake for healthy and strong bones
  • Folic acid during reproductive years (citrus fruits, leafy greens, peas and beans)

Women need low calories than men, but our requirements for certain vitamins and minerals are much higher.

Tonsillitis Treatments

Know About Tonsillitis? 7 Major causes and symptoms of Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is the infection of the tonsils, tonsils are two lymph nodes present at the back of your throat. Tonsils stops germs entering your airways and secure your body from infections. Tonsils act as defence mechanism, they produce white blood cells to fight against infections. In Tonsillitis tonsils get infected by bacteria or virus and they become swollen and inflamed. Tonsillitis is mostly seen in children and teenagers. Children going to school come in contact with various bacteria and viruses and this makes them vulnerable to Tonsillitis. Tonsillitis can be contagious and spread from person to another person. Tonsillitis is easily diagnosed within 10 days. Sore throat and fever are the common symptoms of Tonsillitis.

Symptoms of Tonsillitis :

Main symptom of Tonsillitis is swelling in the tonsils, which leads to blockage of the airways. Children feel difficulty in breathing and breathe through their mouth. Common symptoms of Tonsillitis include

  • Sore throat
  • High fever
  • Coughing
  • Feeling sick and tired
  • Swollen and painfull lymph glands
  • Headache and ear pain
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Breathing through mouth
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Chills
  • Change in the voice.

What causes Tonsillitis?

Bacteria and viruses are the most common cause of Tonsillitis. Some common causes of Tonsillitis are

  • Influenza virus(flu virus)
  • Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria
  • Epstein barr virus
  • Enteroviruses
  • Rhinoviruses
  • Rubeola virus (measles virus)
  • Adenovirus.

In some cases sinusitis and high fever can also cause Tonsillitis.

How to identify it?

People suffering with high fever, have difficulty in breathing, chills, difficulty in swallowing food may have Tonsillitis and needs to consult a doctor. Doctors by physical examination may perform a throat swab test with a cotton swab, inspect the exterior throat for enlarged lymph glands. With early and proper treatment Tonsillitis can be treated easily. Doctors prescribe antibiotics if the Tonsillitis is due to bacterial infection.
Some simple tips can help to get relief from pain and discomfort. Following are some simple tips to avoid discomfort and pain

  • Gargling with warm salt water helps to treat discomfort
  • Drinking plenty of fluids helps throat from drying out
  • Get lots of rest
  • Eat smooth foods to avoid difficulty swallowing.

By following good hygiene habits, we can help to treat infections spreading. By washing hands frequently, using a tissue while coughing or sneezing, avoid sharing accessories and bottles. We can stop infections spreading.

Homeopathy for Tonsillitis :

Homeopathy offers many safe remedies to treat Tonsillitis. Homeopathy treatment for Tonsillitis aims to provide safe and side effects free treatment to boost our immune system. Homeopathy follow personalized treatment for Tonsillitis. Tonsillitis treatment in Homeopathy is different for each individual as it is based on the patients health history, symptoms and their severity. Homeopathy aims to improve body’s immune system to fight infections. Homeopathy to treat Tonsillitis is belladonna, hepar sulph, cantharis, kali muriaticum, lycopodium.


Treatment for Obesity

Treatment for Obesity

Treatment for obesity begins by comprehensive lifestyle management. Obesity is a state characterized by an absolute and relative excess of the reserves fat stocked in the adipose tissue. It is a condition where a person is very fat that it might have a negative effect on their health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI) is more than 30 kg/m, when he is very fat or overweight. Overweight and obesity are serious health threats because they are major risk factors of developing many potentially serious health issues, people with obese are at high risk for many serious diseases and health conditions when compared to those with a normal or healthy weight.

People with Obesity have high risk of health issues like coronary heart disease (CHD), high BP, type 2 diabetes, fertility problems, Gallbladder disease, Stroke, Some cancers (endometrial, breast, colon, kidney, gallbladder, and liver), Mental illness such as clinical depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders, Body pain and difficulty with physical functioning.

Causes of Obesity :

Obesity is generally caused by excessive food intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility. Genetic factors play a major role in obesity. Generally, a person’s weight is the balance between calorie intake and energy expenditure. Consuming high-calorie food like fat and sugars without proper exercise and physical activity leads to surplus energy which will be stored as body fat. Possible causes of Obesity are genetics, medical reasons, Psychological factors, frequent eating, physical inactivity, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome.

High intake of Junk food, unhealthy processed food, candy, chips, and soft drinks may lead to obesity in children. Children nowadays are more addicted to indoor games like video games, smartphones, computers, television as this leads to a lack of physical exercise and likely to gain weight. Children with less sleep are more likely to be obese. Abdominal obesity in women is central to metabolic syndrome and is strongly related to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


Things you can do to manage Obesity :

One can manage and control obesity through

People can control Obesity by having a healthy and well-balanced diet, regular physical exercise, avoiding junk food and unhealthy food habits, eating plenty of organic vegetables, by maintaining stress levels.

Homeopathy Treatment for Obesity :

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The Homeopathic medicine for obesity is selected after a complete examination of individual and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution. A homeopathic doctor prescribes the right medicine for the right person as there are more than 100 medicines listed in the Homeopathic literature for obesity. Homeopathy is the tested, safest, proven method to reduce obesity. Homeopathy not only helps you in weight loss but it improves your metabolic system and digestive system. All age groups can use Homeopathic remedies as it has no side-effects.