Health Tips Obsessive-Compulsive

Health Tips for Obsessive-compulsive disorder

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder

OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) is a type of chronic anxiety disorder. It is treated as a unique condition where people gats trapped in repetitive thoughts and behaviours. People with OCD become weak and distressed with the uncontrollable repetitive and disturbing thoughts, fear and also get obsessed with images. People with OCD feel urge to repeat the routines due to the anxiety developed by reoccurring thoughts and behaviours. In order to stop and eliminate the obsessive thoughts people tend to perform the routines repeatedly. Though the tasks performed may bring short term relief from anxiety and stress, people tend to repeat the repeat the routines when the obsessive thoughts come back. Due to this OCD cycle people tend to spend most of the hours repeating the same routines which interferes their regular routines. Even though the people with OCD now that their acts are pointless, but they cannot avoid or stop the repetitive routines.

Health Tips for Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Signs and Symptoms of Obsessive-compulsive disorder

The main two signs of OCD are repeated images (obsessions) and routines (compulsions) which vary from person to person.

Few common obsessions seen in people with OCD include

  • Fear of germs and dirt
  • Fear of doing mistakes and hurting others
  • Fear of making and thinking wrong and evil decisions
  • Behaving in an inappropriate way
  • Unnecessary doubts and require reassurances
  • Need for order and confirmation
  • Few common compulsions seen in people with OCD are
  • Continuously washing hands, bathing and cleaning
  • Denying to shake hands and touch door knobs due to the fear of germs
  • Regularly checking the things like door locks, taps, stove and so on
  • Counting repeatedly while doing other tasks.
  • Arranging the things repeatedly in the same way.
  • Consuming food in a particular way
  • Repeated images, words and getting stuck on things which affects their sleep
  • Performing the same task repeatedly

How men and women are affected with Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Both men and women are equally affected with OCD, the disorder first affects in childhood, adolescence and also in early adulthood. It affects their daily routines and their performance in school and work also. It increases stress and also affects their relations. The repeated actions make them weak and tiring.

Overcome Obsessive-compulsive disorder tips

Homeopathy treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder works efficiently. Homeopathy uses natural remedies extracted from plants, vegetables and other natural minerals for treating obsessive compulsive disorder. Homeopathy treatment for OCD is safe, free from side effects and also is suitable to people of all age groups. Homeopathy provides several health tips of obsessive compulsive disorder. These homeopathy tips for obsessive compulsive disorder are safe and help in quick recovery. Obsessive compulsive disorder control tips include not repeating the actions, communicating with family, physical exercises and so on. Homeopathy treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder is prescribed based on the symptoms, health history and also based on the theory of individualisation. Homeopathy treatment not just treats OCD but also aims to improve overall well being of individuals.


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